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Staff of the pediatric surgery department, 2021

According to the Head Physician order No.44 (13/02/1960) the first pediatric surgical department was established as a part of the pediatric department in Vinnytsia Regional Hospital Named After M.I.Pirogov. Claudia Beletska became the head of this department. She was a well-rounded, sensible and polite person, well-educated doctor and assistant of the Hospital Surgery Department. The staff consisted of O.Y. Fishchenko A.N.Kedyk, F.P.Mazur, V.P. Pasichnyk and I.I. Kyievskyi.

The department included 20 surgical, 10 ortopaedic and 10 urological hospital beds. Working conditions were hectic. 37 staff members worked there in 1964. Ether anaestesia was widely used. Yet, it was replaced by halotane anaestesia later. Infusion therapy was developed in the middle of 1960. Almost all cases of the acute hematogenous osteomyelitis resulted in chronic process, impared function of the limb or were lethal.

Associate professor Y.P. Kukuruza from Crimean Medical University was invited to develop a new pediatric surgery postgraduate course in 1966.The history of the pediatric surgery clinic began from the establishment of the pediatric surgery course in the settings of the Pediatric Faculty General Surgery Department.      Future associate professors A.V.Levkivskiy and I.G. Nazarenko joined the staff after completing the clinical residency in surgery.Y.P. Kukuruza was awarded the professor degree in 1986. Four assistants were honored the associate professors degrees.Till 1977 clinic of the Pediatric surgery was located in the settings of the Central District Hospital,Vinnytsia.

There were several heads of the Department in different periods such as prof. S.P.Korhov, V.M. Nechyporuk, V.G. Zoria, T.A.Kadoschuk.

The Pediatric Surgery Department tackled the problem of cholecysto-pancreatitis, peritonitis and inguinal hernias.

Pediatric Surgical Department returned to the historical surgical building in Vinnytssa Regional Hospital Named After M.I.Pirogov in 1968.

Surgical progress was significant. First attempts in surgical treatment of the Hirschsprung disease and the congenital bowel obstruction were successful. At the same time, pediatric surgeons struggled with the diversity of the Staphylococcal infection manifestations in the newborns.It was the necessity to define the importancy of the following speciality.Independent departments of the pediatric and ortopaedic surgery developed in 1973, when V.D. Bilyk was a rector in VNMU and A.P. Koliadenko  held the post of the senior physician in Vinnytsia Regional Hospital Named After M.I.Pirogov.Yet, elective and purulent surgery departments were not separated (Head of the department – Y.M. Kotsiubynskyi.Intensive care unit was opened in the late 80’s. C. Beletska and ortopaedic surgeon V.P. Pasichnyk consulted patients in the out-patient department.

The next generation of young pediatric surgeons (Tloka V.A., Pavlishyn V.G., Korniychuk V.V., Alexiev V.O, Savitskiy V.T., assistants Navrotskyi V.A., Franchuk V.P., Loyko Y.Y., Sytnyk M.M.) facilitated introduction of the advanced technologies into IV therapy and pediatric surgical care.Y.P. Kukuruza dreamt about the steady rise of the thoracic pediatric surgery.First bronchoscopies, diaphragmatic hernia repairs were performed in the department. The radical lung operations were introduced by prof. I.I. Mituk, bacterial lung destruction was successfully treated  by associate professor V.I.Mokryk.

Ortopaedic surgeons used the operative treatment of the CHD, ulnar joint bone fractures with different metaloconstructions.

The Pediatric Surgery department was established as an independent department in 1976 as a result of the training programme expansion (Kukuruza Y.P, Head of the Department).Pediatric Surgery was introduced into the training programmes at the 4-th and 5-th course of study on the Pediatric Faculty and at the 5-th course of study on Medical Faculty.Department of the Pediatric Surgery was situated in the settings of the Regional Children’s Hospital, Vinnytsia in 1980.It was the sixth regional pediatric hospital in Ukraine by that time.The therapeutic, pedagogical, scientific approaches and equipment were improved significantly.The opportunities of the clinical site let the department to provide the students with the training courses in selective and acute surgery, ortopaedic surgery and traumatology, surgery of the newborns and pediatric oncology.Also, the first group of the surgical clerks was developed. Therefore, it facilitated the possibility to prepare professionals to enlarge the staff and support the hospitals with the qualified pediatric surgeons.

Navrotskyi V.A.,Loyko Y.Y., Shvets V.O., Vronskyi A.F., Fischenko V.O., Pohorilyi V.V., Sytnyk M.M. and Fomin O.O became the assistants of the Pediatric Surgery Department on a competitive basis.The staff completed an enormous work, including the creation of the new functional surgical settings for the high quality pediatric aid and teaching process during the first decade.The first All-Soviet Union scientific student conference and symposium on the important issues in pediatric surgery were held in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya in 1981.

Kukuruza Y.P., DMSc, was the Head of the Department from 1966 till 2006.Pogorilyi V.V.,prof., DMSc, was in charge from 2006 till 2016.Konoplitskyi V.S. has been holding the Head of the Department since 2016.

Surgery of the newborns was developed by professor Pohorilyi V.V.Operative treatment of the bowel, urinary obstruction, VUR was introduced and successfully performed by Fomin O.O, DMSc.The range of the operative techniques in thoracic surgery, oncology and hematology was broaden.The pedagogical process was improved, simultaneously.The staff of the department worked in the hectic conditions. It was involved into all complicated cases and surgical emergencies. Nowadays, the Pediatric Surgery Department works in the settings of the six departments (162 hospital beds) and provides the full range of the surgical aid to the children in Vinnytsia and the region.All the staff of the clinic takes part in the pedagogical process.Introduction of the advanced technologies and new inventions are necessary to the professional devel

opment.The vast majority of the scientific researches were based on the needs of the practical medicine.

The purulent surgery was an important  issue, especially, among newborns and toddlers.

It was a topic of the fundamental, complex studies and thesis of the professor Kukuryza Y.P., associate professor Leukivskiy O.V., Nazarenko I.G., Loyko Y.Y., Navrotskiy V.A., Pogoriliy V.V., Yakymenko O.G.,Konoplitskiy V.S., Rusak P.S., Palamarchuk Y.P., Pogrebniak I.O., foreign aspirants Ali Vajih, Ammar Fallah, Bashar Shmaysani.

Department of the Pediatric Surgery was an initiator and provider of the First International Congress of the Pediatric Surgeons, Ukraine, Khmilnyk,2007.

More than 700 participants from 9 countries joined this scientific event.

The staff of the department organized the section of the Pediatric Surgery and took the active part in this international forum. More than 2300 participants from 18 countries attended the symposium.

Nowadays, Department of Pediatric Surgery makes a great contribution into development of the national pediatric surgery and provides the assistance of the National Health System.

About 20 thesis (4 DMSc thesis) were defended, more than 480 publications  and 5 monographies were printed.The Department registered 65 utility patents, 137 innovation proposals. The staff participated in more than 50 local conferences and international forums.

Department of the Pediatric Surgery provides postgraduate education and internship for the pediatric surgeons, urologists, ortopaedic surgeons and general physicians.

Scientific student club participates in the multiple scientific international, regional and local conferences.

The vast majority of the staff were the active members of the scientific student club.It was established in 1966. About 11 students (3-4 course) joined the first session. Kukuruza Y.P. was the initiator of this event.Active students participated in the development of the scientific topics such as the inflamantory and purulent diseases in children.Filyk A.V., Pleskun T.D., Yermoliev V.O., Ioltuhivskiy M.V., Dmytruk P.I. were the first participants.There were weekly sessions under the supervision of the associate professor and the leader of the discussion group.Filyk A.V. (6-th year student) represented the discussion group at the Scientific Students’ Conference, Moscow in 1967. Members of our student club took part in the ХІІІ All-Soviet Union Students’ Conference, Donetsk and were awarded the I-st degree diplomas.V.O. Yermoliev’s report was awarded the gold medal.The tradition to participate the international conferences was established among the members of the discussion group.Our students were among the winners at the ХІV All-Soviet Conference, Riga.The interesting reports were awarded the silver medal at the Conference, Tbilisi, 1973(Loyko Y.Y.)Y.Y. Loyko’s and B.P. Franchuk’s report at  ХVІ All-Soviet Scientific Students’ Conference was honored the bronze medal.The topic ‘Animal model of the acute hematogenous osteomyelitis ’ was awarded the gold medal at the conference in Yerevan,1975. (Franchuk V.P., Bondarenko V.V.)

Problem of the  acute hematogenous osteomyelitis (Kukuruza Y.P., Levkivskiy V.O), issues of the abdominal surgery( Nazarenko I.G.)  were studied. The students participated in the studies of the clinical and experimental aspects of the purulent diseases in children.

Veklich V., Shulga D., Voitsehivskiy V. were honored the silver medal at XX All-Soviet Conference in Dushanbe,1978.

Tolstanov O.K., Moravska O.A., Boyko G.A., Bondar S.M. were the winners of the All-Soviet Conferences (Rostov-on-Don,1979);

Mahachkala,1980; Tbilisi,1983; Tashkent,1985) in the early 80-ies.

Vinnytsia was an organisator of the scientific student forum in 1981.All-Soviet Scientific Student’s Conference was held in the settings of our university. The prominent scientists such as member of the Academy of Sciences Isakov Y.F., prof. Stepanov E.O., prof. Bairov G.A. Heads of the Departments from the famous clinics of the Soviet Union were present.The student club members’ reports got the awards, because of the scientific novelty of their researches.Rusak’s P.S. report “Trauma prophylaxis in children in city of Vinnytsia” was awarded the gold medal; at the same time Kuharcuk I. and Mysko Y. were honored the bronze medal.Bohachuk S., Konoplitskyi V., Kuharchuk I.  was awarded the silver medal in 1987.Olhomiak A. , Barvinok A. and Konoplitskyi V. won the gold and the silver medal  in 1989 (Dnypropetrovsk).Student’s report “ Diagnostic and treatment of the postoperative lymphadenitis in children” was awarded the medal of the National Academy of Science (1987).Post-Soviet period was difficult to develop the science due to economic problems, however the scientific student club continued to work.The students worked hard to follow the traditions of the discussion group and attended the annual students’ conferences in our university. Sakcharevich Y.M. was awarded the II degree diploma for her report “ Pain evaluation in the newborns”.Another report “Blunt trauma in children of  Vinnytsia region” (Sakcharevich Y.M and Mituk T.M.) was honored the I degree diploma (2005,Lviv).Our students also participated in the Russian scientific conference “Issues of the pediatric surgery,anaestesiology and intensive care” (2008) and our scientific discussion group was awarded the II degree diploma.

We joined the XVІІ Russian national students’ scientific conference “Issues of the pediatric surgery, anaestesiology and intensive care” (20-23 of April,2010).As a result, Kosechenko N.Y. and Shischuk O.I. were awarded the I degree diploma and the gold medal for the report “Stage correction of the viscero-abdominal disproportion in congenital anomalies of the anterior abdominal wall”. The poster “Treatment of the bone cysts in children was honored the III degree diploma and medal (Larin O.O., Rokita V.G).

The poster “Method of the appendix stump management”

Scientific student club was awarded the 1st degree Diploma as one of the best discussion groups among 46 universities of CIS for its scientific novelty and the presentation of National Pirogov Memorial University, Vinnytsia.

Development of the student science shows the proficiency and pedagogical facilities of the department. Therefore, the Head of the Department involves the teaching staff and students to work on the field of science.

There were several supervisors of the scientific discussion group in different time periods: prof.Kukuruza Y.P.(1966-1976), Levkivskiy O.V.(1976-1980), Nazarenko I.G.(1980-1990), (19901994), prof.Pohorily V.V.(1994-2000), prof.FominO.O.(2001-2005), Yakymenko O.G. (2005-2017). Nowadays, Sasiuk A.I. is in charge of the student discussion group.

The leaders of the student club were the following: V.O. Yermoliev (1966-1968), V.V. Hudov (1968-1971), Loyko Y.Y. (1971-1974), V.V. Bondarenko (1975-1976), Shulga I.G.(1976-1980), Boyko G.A.(1981-1985),V.S. Konoplitskyi (1985-1989), Lysianskyi S.P.(1990-1991),Baluhina A.V.(1991-1993), Konoplitskyi D.V.(2005-2009), Kosechenko N.Y. (2009-2010), Shyshuk O.I.(2010-2011), Khymera S.V.(2011-2012),Shavliuk R.V.(2012-2014), Ovcharuk T.(2015-2017), Neimanovskyi Y. (2018-2020).

Plethora of famous people in medical field were the members of our student club. For instance, Tolstanov O.K. (vice-minister of the Health Ministry of Ukraine), prof.Rykov S.O.,prof. Pogorilyi V.V . (vice-rector,VNMU),Panenko V.V.(senior physician of  Vinnytsya Regional Children’s Hospital), prof.Fomin  O.O., Moravska O.A., Siratskyi S.Y. etc.

Thoracoscopy and laparoscopy were introduced into the clinical practise during the last decade.

Development of the new effective surgical approaches of the congenital GI pathologies (esophagal atresia, gastroschisis, omphalocele, diaphragmatic hernias) improved the outcome among the premature newborns. Also,the staff of the department introduced several surgical techniques (varicocele correction, hernia repair)

The pediatric surgery department develops the new facilities. Our scientific research are widely used in the medical practice. We also use IT which are essential for the aspirants and researchers.


Konoplitskyi Viktor

Head of the pediatric surgery department, professor, D.Med.Sc.

Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial University,Vinnytsya in 1989.
Completed an internship in the pediatric surgery (1989-1990).
He had worked as a laboratory assistant since 1990 and became an assistant in 2006.
He successfully defended his thesis “Treatment and relapse prevention of the infantile hemangiomas”. He was honored an associate professor post in 2012.
He was awarded the doctoral degree (D.Med.Sc.) in 2013 for the thesis “Management of the pediatric colonic stasis”.
Author of 190 scientific articles, 122 innovation proposals, 43 inventions, 5 monographies and 2 educational-methodical works.

Pohorilyi Vasyl

Vice-rector of higher educational institution (clinical work), professor, D.Med.Sc.

Graduated from Uman medical college from (1970-1974).
Served in the army (1974-1976).
Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial University,Vinnytsya in 1982.
Completed an internship in the pediatric surgery (1982-1983).
He had worked as a laboratory assistant from 1983 till 1985 and as an assistant from 1985 till 2002. He defended his thesis “Management of the hematogenous osteomyelitis in children according to the blood antigens and environmental factors”. He was awarded an associate professor post in 2002.
He successfully defended his doctoral thesis “Prognosis of the varicocele development and its surgical repair”. He was honored the professor post in 2006 .
He was a the head of the pediatric surgery department from 2006 till 2016.
He is a Vice-Rector of higher educational institution (clinical work) since 2009.
Author of 210 printed scientific publications, 35 inventions, 50 innovation proposals and 4 educational-methodical works. 5 PhD- and 2 doctoral theses were defended under his supervision.

Fomin Oleksandr

professor, D.Med.Sc.

Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial University, Vinnytsya in 1981.
Completed an internship in the pediatric surgery (1981-1982).
Worked as a pediatric surgeon in Children’s Regional Hospital, Vinnytsia (1982-1985).
Completed PhD training programme in 1988 (Cand.Med. Sc.) Thesis: “Treatment of large facial hemangiomas in children”.
Was honored a post of an associate professor in 1997.
Doctoral thesis: “Method of treatment of hemangiomas of critical anatomical location”(1998).
Was honored a post of a professor in the pediatric surgery department in 2006.
Has been working as a head physician of Vinnytsia Emergency Clinical Hospital since 2011.

Yakymenko Oleksandr

associate professor,Vice-Dean of the Postgraduate Education Faculty, Cand.Med.Sc.

Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial University,Vinnytsya in 1992.
Completed an internship in the pediatric surgery (1992-1995).
Received Master’s degree in 1996 and continued his study as an postgraduate student (1996-1999).
Worked as a laboratory assistant from 1990 to 2006.
He defended his thesis “Specific features of acute osteomyelitis of a hip joint in newborns” and became an assistant in 2006. He was honored an associate professor post in 2012.
Author of 183 scientific articles, 49 innovation proposals, 36 inventions and 7 educational-methodical works.
ORCID ID:0000-0002-9507-7849

Loiko Yevhen

associate professor, Cand.Med.Sc.

Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial University,Vinnytsya in 1974.
Completed an internship in pediatric surgery (1974-1975).
Worked as a pediatric surgeon in Zhytomyr Regional Hospital (1975-1978).
Completed clinical residency (1978-1980).
Completed PhD training programme in 1987 (Cand.Med.Sc.).
Worked as a head of the thoracic department in Regional Children’s Hospital, Vinnytsia (1980-1983).
Was honored a post of an associate professor in 1990.
Has been working at the depatrment of pediatric surgery since 1983.
Author of 42 scientific publications, 12 inventions, 3 monographies.

Navrotskyi Volodymyr

associate professor, Cand.Med.Sc.

Moravska Oksana

associate professor, Cand.Med.Sc.

Mikhalchuk Tetiana


Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial University,Vinnytsya in 1990.
Completed an internship in pediatric surgery (1990-1991).
Completed clinical residency (2007-2009).
Worked as a pediatric urologist in the outpatient department of Vinnytsia Regional Children’s Hospital till 2015.
She has been working as an assistant of the pediatric surgery department and consultant (pediatric urologist) since 2015.
Worked as a pediatric urologist in the outpatient department of Vinnytsia Regional Children’s Hospital till 2015.

Dymchyna Yuliia


Graduated from the pediatric faculty of National Pirogov Memorial University, Vinnytsya in 1991.
Completed an internship in the pediatric surgery (1991-1992).
Completed clinical residency (2006-2008).
Worked as a pediatric surgeon in the outpatient department of Vinnytsya Regional Children’s Hospital from 1992 to 1994 and in the surgical department №1 from 2004 to 2020.
She has been working as an assistant of the pediatric surgery department and consultant (pediatric surgeon) since 2015.

Soleyko Dmytro

associate professor, Cand.Med.Sc.

1993-1999 – a student on medical faculty of Vinnytsya State Pirogov Memorial Medical University.
1999-2001 – internship (residency) in "pediatric surgery".
2001-2011 – a pediatric surgeon of the department of purulent surgery and the department of congenital malformations of the Vinnytsya Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.
1999-2001 – magistracy in "pediatric surgery" at the department of pediatric surgery, Vinnytsya National Pirogov Memorial Medical University.
2001 – was awarded a master's degree in pediatric surgery.
2001-2006 – postgraduate student of the department of pediatric surgery, Vinnytsya State Pirogov Memorial Medical University.
2006 – defended his dissertation for the degree of PhD in "Pediatric Surgery" speciality.
2007 – was awarded a degree of PhD in "Pediatric Surgery" speciality.
2009-2021 – a teacher of the department of pediatric surgery at Vinnytsya National Pirogov Memorial Medical University.
Since 2021 – until now – an associate professor of pediatric surgery at Vinnytsya State Pirogov Memorial Medical University.
2011 - fellowship at the Department of Pediatric Surgery of Medical University of Katowice at the University Clinic named after John Paul II of Center for Child Health of Upper Silesia.
He has the highest qualification category in the specialty "Pediatric Surgery" since 2012.
He is the author of 45 professional, scientific and educational-methodical publications.
He has a level of English language B2.
He has 2 declarative patents of Ukraine for invention, 1 declarative patent of Ukraine for utility model, 1 certificate for innovation proposals of Vinnytsya National Pirogov Memorial Medical University.

Sasiuk Anatolii

associate professor, Cand.Med.Sc.

Lukianets Oleg

assistent, PhD

Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial University,Vinnytsya in 2012. Completed internship in the pediatric surgery (2012-2015).
Received Master’s degree in 2015 and continued his study as an postgraduate student (2015-2018).
He defended his PhD thesis “Surgical repair of the impared functions of the distal part of the colon”(2018).
He has been working as an assistant since 2016.
Author of 14 scientific articles, 5 inventions, 1 utility model patent and participant of 4 international conferences.

Soleyko Natalia


1969-1975. – a student on medical faculty of Vinnytsya Pirogov Memorial Medical Institute.
1975-1976 – internship (residency) in "general surgery".
1976-1980 – a pediatric surgeon of the surgical department at Vinnytsya Pirogov Regional Clinical Hospital.
1980-1988 – a pediatric surgeon of the department of purulent surgery, freelance manager of the department of surgical operations at Vinnytsya Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.
1988-2010 – a head of the department of purulent surgery at Vinnytsya Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.
1991-2014 – regional freelance pediatric surgeon of the Vinnytsya Regional State Administration.
2010-2014 – a chairman of the commission on health and resorts of Vinnytsya Regional Council.
2014-2015 – a deputy chairman of the Vinnytsya Regional Council.
She has the highest qualification category in the specialty of "Pediatric Surgery" since 1990.
She is the author of 52 professional, scientific and educational-methodical publications.
She has 2 declarative patents of Ukraine for invention, 2 declarative patents of Ukraine for utility model, 4 certificates for innovation proposals of Vinnytsya National Pirogov Memorial Medical University.
Since 2015 – until now – a pediatric surgeon of the department of purulent surgery at Vinnytsya Regional Children's Clinical Hospital, a teacher of the department of pediatric surgery at Vinnytsya National Pirogov Memorial Medical University.

Pasichnyk Oleg

assistent, postgraduate student

Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University,Vinnytsya in 2015.
Completed an internship in pediatric surgery in 2018.
From 2018 to 2020 - Pediatric Surgeon of the Department of Oncohematology of Vinnytsia Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.
From 2020 - assistant of the pediatric surgery department.
n 2022, a dissertation was defended on the topic "Clinical and epidemiological features of pigmented skin
lesions in children and improvement of diagnostics and surgical treatment
(experimental and clinical study)".
Co-author of 17 scientific papers.
ORCID ID 0000-0003-1373-6204

Korobko Yurii


Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial University, Vinnytsia in 2016.
Completed an internship in pediatric surgery in 2019.
From 2019 to 2023, he studied at a postgraduate course at the Department of Pediatric Surgery. In 2023, a dissertation was defended on the topic "Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of complications of
surgical pathology of the pelvic organs in girls (experimental and clinical study)".
Part-time pediatric surgeon of the surgical department №1 of Vinnytsia Regional Children's Clinical Hospital.
Published 25 scientific papers, received 2 patents for inventions.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3299-878X

Suchok Svitlana

assistent, postgraduate student

Graduated from the medical faculty of National Pirogov Memorial University, Vinnytsya in 2018.
Completed an internship in the pediatric surgery in 2021 (Vinnytsia Regional Children's Clinical Hospital).
Worked as a senior laboratory assistant at the pediatric surgery department (2018-2021).
Worked as an assistant at the pediatric surgery department (2021-2023)
Completed IELTS Academic Module - CERF -C1 (Advanced) in 2019.
Entered PhD training programme in pediatric surgery in 2021.
Author of 15 scientific publications and 5 articles.
Scientific fields of interest: pediatric urotrauma, T1DM comorbidity.
ORCID ID:0000-0002-9507-7849
Scopus Author ID: 57225215856

Havryliuk Andrii

postgraduate student, senior laboratory assistent

Сompleted secondary education at Chernihiv Gymnasium of Humanities and Aesthetics № 31 (2000-2010).
He studied at Chernihiv National Pedagogical University named after Taras Shevchenko (the chemical-biological department of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences), 2010-2011.
Graduated from Medical faculty №1, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya (Diploma with honours, 2017).
He has been working as a senior laboratory assistant in the Department of Pediatric Surgery since 2017.
He successfully completed internship in speciality of pediatric surgery in 2020.
He entered the graduate school at the Department of Pediatric Surgery, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya.

Mazurenko Oleg

senior laboratory assistent

Graduated from the medical faculty №2 of National Pirogov Memorial University, Vinnytsya in 2021.
Entered an internship in the pediatric surgery in 2021.
Has been working as a senior laboratory assistant at the pediatric surgery department since 2021.

Ogorodnyk Oksana

laboratory assistent

Graduated from Medical Zabolotnyi Memorial College, Vinnytsia in 1993.
Has been working as a laboratory assistent at the pediatric surgery department since 1993.

Sumlenna Valentyna

laboratory assistent

Has been wasking as a laboratory assistent since 2012.


Science activity


Department of Pediatric Surgery is located in the setting of Regional Children’s Clinical Hospital, Vinnytsia.

Address: Khmel'nyts'ke Shose st. 108(6th floor).

Scientific student club "IDEA": Microsoft Teams (code: ex20x8a).