For students
To aspirants
Elective courses
Qualification works
Clinical ordinator
Kovalchuk Valentin Petrovich
A chief of microbiology, virology and immunology department, doctor of medicine
Nazarchuk Oleksandr Adamovich
Professor, PhD of medical Sciences
He has been working at the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology since December 2013. In 2018 he was elected Associate Professor of the Department of Microbiology. In 2020 defended dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences "Microbiological substantiation of the use of antiseptics in burn patients for the prophylaxis of microbial complications" (Kyiv). Since 2014 he has been participating in the certification of highly qualified personnel as the scientific secretary of the specialized scientific council D 05.600.05 of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya for certification of Dissertations in in specialties of 03.00.07 – “Microbiology”, 14.01.32 – “Medical Biochemistry”. Was as supervisor of one Candidate of Medical Sciences in “Microbiology”.
Author of over 100 scientific publications (including Scopus, Web of Science), co-author of one monograph.
Reviewer of the journals “Pain Medicine” and “Perioperative Medicine”
Vovk Irina Mikolaivna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Mrug Valentina Maximovna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Ivanova Svitlana Andreevna
Ass. pofessor, doctor of medicine
Makatz Evgena Fedorivna
Ass. professor, PhD of biological Sciences
Krizhanovskaya Alla Volodimirovna
Ass. professor, PhD of biological Sciences
Alla Krizhanovska is a co-author of 5 teaching aids, 40 publications, including 13 in teaching areas. In 2014, she took advanced training courses at Ternopol State Medical University named after Gorbachevsky.
Prokopchuk Zoya Mikolaivna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Sorokoumova Ludmila Kostantinivna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Kordon Yulia Volodimirivna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Kovalenko Irina Mikolaivna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Since 2006 held the position of assistant of the department of Microbiology.
In 2010 successfully defended PhD thesis: "Microbiological justification for the development and medical application of an antiseptic suppository based on decamethoxin and ovucir"
Since 2014 hold the position of associate professor of the department
Zhornyak Olena Igorivna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Kolodiy Svetlana Anatoliivna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Fomina Nadiya Sergiivna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Rimsha Olena Viktorovna
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Trofimenko Yulia
Ass. Professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Burkot Vita Michalyvna
Associate Professor, Ph.D
Gonchar Oksana Olegovna
Osadchuk Neonila Ivanivna
Years of work at the department: 2012 - 2024
Associate Professor, PhD of medical Sciences
Divinsky Diana Mikolaivna
Years of work at the department: 1998 - 2023
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Scieces
In 2004 she defended her PhD thesis. In 2012 she was awarded the title of "Assistant Professor".
She is a lecturer for English-speaking students on Pharmacy and Medicine faculties. Conducts practical classes in groups of medical, dental and pharmaceutical faculties with Ukrainian and English languages.
Stukan Oksana Kostantinovna
Years of work at the department: 2009 - 2021
Ass. professor, PhD of medical Sciences
On the 5th of April, 2024 at 1305
At National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia
On the Microsoft Teams platform, there will be an open lecture online by Professor of the Department of Microbiology,
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Oleksandr Nazarchuk
For students of the 2nd year of studying in speciality 222 "Medicine"
(In English)
The topic of the lecture: "Morphology and ultrastructure of viruses, chemical composition. Principles of virus classification.
Reproduction of viruses. Basic methods of cultivation, identification of viruses.
Microbiological diagnostics of viral infections".
Date of exam |
Group |
Time |
Examiner’s name |
January, 8th, 2024 |
81 |
9.30 am | Irina Vovk |
January, 8th, 2024 |
82 |
9.30 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
January, 9th, 2024 |
83 |
9.30 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
January, 9th, 2024 |
84 |
9.30 am | Irina Vovk |
January, 10th, 2024 |
85 |
9.30 am | Irina Vovk |
January, 10th, 2024 |
86a |
9.30 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
January, 10th, 2024 |
86b |
11 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
January, 11th, 2024 |
87a |
9.30 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
January, 11th, 2024 |
87b |
9.30 am | Irina Vovk |
January, 16th, 2024 |
60 |
9.30 am | Irina Vovk |
January, 22nd, 2024 (exam reworking) |
All groups |
9.30 am | Irina Vovk, Zoya Prokopchuk |
Students are admitted to exam (oral interview), if they passed testing (score 12 points and more), have no missed classes, and their current assessment is 72 and more.
Exam is taken online for students, who are OFFICIALLY abroad (groups 85b, 86, 87), and off-line (at Microbiology department) for students, who are in Ukraine (room #1).
Online exam is taken by video call on Microsoft Teams in admitted time, students are called turn by turn according to the group list.
A student should have an identifying document (passport, student card) for demonstration to examiner before an interview.
Exam for students, who have been not permitted on time because of missed classes or who have not appeared at exam in appointed time, will be taken on January, 22nd at 9.30.
A head of microbiology department
professor of HEI Valentin KOVALCHUK
Date of pre-exam consultation |
Group |
Recommended time |
Teacher’s name, who is responsible for consultation |
January, 5th, 2024 |
82 |
10 am | Prokopchuk Z.M., Zhornyak O.I. Rymsha O.V., Fomina N.S. |
January, 8th, 2024 |
83 84 |
3 pm | Vovk I.M., Kolodiy S.A. Rymsha O.V., Trofimenko Yu.Yu. |
January, 9th, 2024 |
85 86 |
3 pm | Zhornyak O.I., Kolodiy S.A. Fomina N.S., ass. Gumenyuk L.D. |
January, 10th, 2024 |
87 |
3 pm | Vovk I.M., Kryzshanovska A.V. |
January, 15th, 2024 |
60 |
3 pm | Kryzshanovska A.V. |
The consultation can be provided online /offline as to previous agreement with the teacher, who has carried on practical classes in autumn term.
A head of microbiology department
professor of HEI Valentin KOVALCHUK
Time-table of exam (oral interview) for English-speaking foreign
students of medical, stomatological and pharmaceutical faculties
Nп/п |
Date of exam |
Examiner’s name |
Час |
1 |
17.02.23 | Zoya Prokopchuk |
15.00-17.30 |
2 |
17.03. 23 | Irina Vovk |
15.00-17.30 |
Online exam is taken by video call on Microsoft Teams in admitted time, students are called turn by turn according to the group list. A student should have an identifying document (passport, student card) for demonstration to examiner before an interview.
A head of microbiology department
MD, professor Valentin KOVALCHUK
Date of exam |
Group |
Time |
Examiner’s name |
December 17th, 2022 |
81, 82 |
8 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
December 17th, 2022 |
83 |
8 am | Irina Vovk |
December 17th, 2022 |
84,85 |
9 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
December 17th, 2022 |
86,87 |
9 am | Irina Vovk |
December 17th, 2022 |
88, 89 |
10.30 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
December 17th, 2022 |
90, 91 |
10.30 am | Irina Vovk |
December 17th, 2022 |
92,93 |
12 am | Irina Vovk |
December 17th, 2022 |
94 |
12 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
December 23rd, 2022 |
60,65 |
9 am | Zoya Prokopchuk |
December 23rd, 2022 |
83, 86, 87, 90, 91, 92,93 |
1 pm | Irina Vovk |
December 23rd, 2022 |
81,82, 84,85, 88, 89, 94 |
1 pm | Zoya Prokopchuk |
December 24th, 2022 (exam reworking) |
All groups |
8 am | Irina Vovk , Zoya Prokopchuk |
Exam is taken online for students, who are abroad, and off-line (at Microbiology department) for students, who are in Ukraine (on 19th, December at 11 am).
Online exam is taken by video call on Microsoft Teams in admitted time, students are called turn by turn according to the group list.
A student should have an identifying document (passport, student card) for demonstration to examiner before an interview.
A head of microbiology department
MD, professor Valentin KOVALCHUK
According to the order #49 (November, 28th, 2022) in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Vinnytsya
the final control of the discipline will be conducted as differentiated credit at the last practical lesson (23/12/2022) during remote meeting on Microsoft Teams.
Differentiated credit will be accepted by associate professor Zoya Prokopchuk.
Students, who do not have missed practical classes in the discipline and have a current grade of at least 72 points (on a 120-point scale), are admitted to the final control.
Differentiated credit will be carried out as oral interview according to the questions which are loaded in department`s Google disk (File 07 “Questions to exam (differentiated credit)”
Criteria for converting the score for an oral answer into points:
Grade «5» |
Grade «4» |
Grade «3» |
Grade |
Points |
Grade |
Grade |
Points |
Grade |
5+ |
77-80 |
4+ |
67-70 |
3+ |
57-60 |
5 |
74-76 |
4 |
64-66 |
3 |
53-56 |
5- |
71-73 |
4- |
61-63 |
3- |
50-52 |
If student doesn`t pass interview the grade is less 50.
The final control score corresponds to the rating scale:
grade «3» - 60-50 points;
grade «4» - 61-70 points;
grade «5» - 71-80 points.
The results of the final control are registered in the according to the algorithm provided by the educational department of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Vinnytsya.
The individual general grade of the discipline is given as the sum of points for the final control, current assessment and individual points for independent work (not more than 12 points, if any).
The points number corresponds to the traditional score for the discipline according to the following fixed scale:
Score «5» - 200-180 points
Score «4» - 179-160 points
Score «3» - 159-122 points.
The order of the final control:
Final control begins at 8.45 according to the time table for practical classes on Friday, 23rd, December.
Students should join a meeting at Microsoft Teams for interview. Joining is done by calling the student by the teacher according to the list.
The final control takes place in video mode with the camera turned on with mandatory video registration. The teacher identifies the student,
then the examiner conducts an interview on issues of general and special microbiology.
If the student does not get in touch at all during time for final control, one will receive "did not appear".
The final control for such students will be held on December 24th, 2022 at 9.00.
If student has not completed discipline (has missed and non-reworked topics),
the differential credit will be taken after January, 9th in admitted time in case of completed practical topics.
In case of force majeure (an air alarm in Vinnitsya, no electricity or no Internet connection) in admitted for differential credit time final control
is carried out in another time by mutual agreement on the same day or next day (December, 24th)
The Head of Microbiology Department
professor of HEI Valentin KOVALCHUK
The procedure for conducting and compiling the final control of the discipline "Microbiology, Immunology, Virology"
for 3rd year students (specialty – Medicine)
According to the order #49 (November, 28th, 2022) in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Vinnytsya the final control (exam)
of the discipline will be conducted from December 19th till December, 22nd during remote meeting on Microsoft Teams according to the time table.
Exam will be accepted by associate professors Zoya Prokopchuk and Irina Vovk.
Students, who do not have missed practical classes in the discipline and have a current grade of at least 72 points (on a 120-point scale), are admitted to the exam.
Exam will be carried out as oral interview according to the questions which are loaded in department`s Google disk (File 07 “Questions to exam (differentiated credit)”
Criteria for converting the score for an oral answer into points:
Grade «5» |
Grade «4» |
Grade «3» |
Grade |
Points |
Grade |
Grade |
Points |
Grade |
5+ |
77-80 |
4+ |
67-70 |
3+ |
57-60 |
5 |
74-76 |
4 |
64-66 |
3 |
53-56 |
5- |
71-73 |
4- |
61-63 |
3- |
50-52 |
If student doesn`t pass interview the grade is less 50.
The final control score corresponds to the rating scale:
grade «3» - 60-50 points;
grade «4» - 61-70 points;
grade «5» - 71-80 points.
The results of the final control are registered in the according to the algorithm provided by the educational department of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University Vinnytsya.
The individual general grade of the discipline is given as the sum of points for the final control, current assessment and individual points for independent work (not more than 12 points, if any).
The points number corresponds to the traditional score for the discipline according to the following fixed scale:
Score «5» - 200-180 points
Score «4» - 179-160 points
Score «3» - 159-122 points.
The order of the final control:
Final control begins according to the time table. Students should join a meeting at Microsoft Teams for interview.
Joining is done by calling the student by the teacher according to the list. The final control takes place in video mode with the camera turned on with mandatory video registration.
Before the interview, the examiner identifies the student by means of demonstrated document (passport or student card).
The interviewed student has to turn camera on. If a student does not get in touch within 5 minutes, is not audible or his/her camera is off, his/her turn is transferred to the end of the group list.
If a student has not been contacted within the exam period, given for certain academic group, he receives a "did not appear".
If teacher/examinier suspects of violation of academic integrity by the student, she has the right to terminate the survey.
The examiner conducts an interview on issues of general and special microbiology.
If the student does not get in touch at all during time for final control, one will receive "did not appear".
The final control for such students will be held on December 24th, 2022 at 9.00.
If student has not completed discipline (has missed and non-reworked topics), the differential credit will be taken after January, 9th in admitted time in case of completed practical topics.
In case of force majeure (an air alarm in Vinnitsya, no electricity or no Internet connection) in admitted time, final control is carried out in another time by mutual agreement on the same day or next day.
The exam period should be completed by December, 24th .
Those students, who is present in Ukraine, are invited for offline exam on Friday, 23rd. Exam takes places at department at 1 pm.
The Head of Microbiology Department
professor of HEI Valentin KOVALCHUK