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Creation of department of pathophysiology in the Vinnytsia Pirogov memorial medical institute coincided with his opening date. At the time the educational and laboratory bases of department were organized in one of the barrack-like building repurposed for education located on the territory of the regional Pirogov memorial clinical hospital. The candidate of medical sciences Michaylo Michaylovich SMYK was the first chief of this department. The necessary equipment and materials educational purposes were acquired as fast as possible and optimal conditions for implementation of experimental researches were created thanks to his effort and organizational abilities.

During the years of WW II the financial base of the whole institute, including the department’s, became practically non-existant.

In 1945 the department of Pathophysiology was reformed. This work was carried out under direct guidance of the chief of the department and dean doctor of medical sciences professor J.М.Britvan. He was a renowned scientist, erudite and a great lecturer, who provided a high level of teaching, which resulted in an influx of young talented scientists and teachers, that were quickly involved in the pedagogical and educational process. J.М.Britvan managed the department up to 1974.

Jacob Meerovich BRITVAN was born on the 1rst of January in 1903 in Odessa in the family of factory worker. In 1918 he successfully graduated from Odessa college, in 1920 he graduated from Odessa gymnasium and entered the Odessa medical institute. After graduation he was working as a general practitioner during 1926-1929. From 1929 to 1941 he was working at the Odessa medical institute, first as an assistant, and starting from 1933 – as The Head of Medical department of one of  Ufa’s factories.

From 1944 to 1974 he was working as The Head of Pathophysiology department at the Vinnytsia Medical Institute. In 1936 J.M.Britvan achieved the degree of candidate of medical sciences. In 1940 he successfully defended the thesis «The neuromechanism of periodic rhythm of breathing», which was made in a laboratory under the direction of К.М.Bikova. J.M.Britvan was a leading specialist in the USSR in the questions of the external breathing.

After analyzing the features of pedagogical and scientific activity of department during this period it is possible to highlight two stages. The first one is organizational. Including an interruption during the years of war which lasted lasted from 1936 to 1949. During this teachers’ time efforts of department were mainly concentrated on creation and perfection of material and technical base and teaching methods, drafting of teaching and methodological materials, mastering of the scientific research methods.

The next stage began in 1950. During this time the intensive research work of department was directed to finding out central neuromechanisms of regulation of the external respiration and the circulatory system, which accompanied different pathological processes. A number of regularities of these systems’ reactions, that accompanied the different types of hypoxia were studied in experimental researches and were described including ontogenetic and phylogenetic aspects. Great effort was directed to the study of role of the initial functional state of central nervous system in the mechanisms of dysfunction of respiratory and circulatory systems. At this time the department was supplied with modern scientific equipment, which assisted in the development of research work. The chamber of conditioned reflex and special screened chamber for the realization of electroencephalographic researches were built. All of this enabled the development of large-scale fundamental researches and successful implementation of theses.

The Professor J.М.Britvan was the member of the editorial college of multivolume “Manual of Pathophysiology”. He was the author ow two chapters in this edition: “Pathophysiology of external respiration” and “Periodic respiration”.

International recognition of Britvan`s achievements in the study of pathophysiology of the external respiration resulted in him recieving Jan Purkine’s medal.

The followers of school of J.М.Britvan continue working in departments of pathophysiology of different Ukrainian universities to this day.

In 1974 the head of the department became the doctor of medical sciences, professor Mikola Anatoliyovich VIEVSKIY. He was professor J.М.Britvans student and graduated from Vinnytsia medical institute.

He was born on 15.08.1928 in Vinnytsia in the family of a worker. Before WWII he graduated a six-grade general education school. Then after Vinnytsia’s liberation he finished his school education. He was working at the mechanical workshop of railway and finishing his secondary education simultaneously. From 1951 to 1954 he was a student of the Kiev Medical Stomatological Institute, in 1954 he transferred to the Vinnytsia Medical Institute. He dedicated the rest of his life to the institute: post-graduate student, associate professor, from 1976 to 1995 – The Head of Department of Pathophysiology.

In 1962 Vievskiy successfully defended the dissertation «The role of different departments of CNS at the mechanisms of disorders of breathing at shock», and in 1976 – dissertation «Study of allergen action of some pesticides in the experiment».

Vievskiy was the author of 90 advanced works. 

From 1995 to 2005 he worked at Kievo-Mogilyanska Academy. He died in 1.01.2006.

During his work the scientific interests of departments’ collective were directed to the study of problems of noninfectious allergy and complex experimental research of the most widespread pesticides’, which are used in agricultural production, influence on the organism. At this time the immunological laboratory was created and equipped by a necessary equipment and reagents. The immunological, biochemical, haematological and other methods were widely used there for scientific research. This work was conducted in close co-operation with other departments of the institute and was co-ordinated by the main scientific center of the problem of pesticides by the -All-Union Research Institute of Occupational Hygiene and Toxicology of Pesticides.

From 1986 by the order of Ministry of energetics under the direction of professor the M.A.Vievskiy the clinical and experimental research of mechanisms of biological action on an organism of new a production factor - the electromagnetic fields of industrial frequency has begun by research workers of departments of pathophysiology, propaedeutical therapy (chief of the department - professor M.B.Shklyar) and psychiatry (chief of the department - professor G.A.Vievska). The choice of research direction was dictated by the growing scales of building and introduction of high-voltage energy lines exploitation. Researches were conducted directly and in field conditions of high-voltage lines - 750 kilovolt. The special high-voltage laboratory was created on the base of department of pathophysiology for the experimental study of this problem. The conditions alike to the high-voltages lines of electricity transmissions were imitated there.

The Ph.D. thesis based on materials of these researches was defended by .S.V.Prokopenko.

From 1997 to 2000 the official duties of head of department were discharged by associate professor V.G.Lichko.

Vasiliy Grigorovich LICHKO was born on the 10-th of December in 1938 in Moskalenki Chernobilskiy region in Cherkasy oblast’ in the family of f collective farmer. In 1956 he successfully graduated from secondary school and entered the Kiev Bogomolets memorial Medical Institute. In 1957 he transfered to the Ternopil Medical Institute and in 1958 – to the Vinnytsia Pirogov memorial Medical Institute, which he graduated from in 1962.

From 1962 to 1965 V.G.Lichko continued his education as a post-graduate student at the department of pathophysiology of Vinnytsia Pirogov memorial Medical Institute. From 1965 to 1976 he was working at the department of anatomy and physiology of the Vinnytsia Ostrovskiy memorial Pedagogical College as an assistant, later, as a senior teacher and Head of this department. From 1976 he began working as an associate professor of Department of pathophysiology at the Vinnytsia Pirogov memorial National Medical University. From 1995 to 2000 V.I.Lichko was working as Head of same department.

He is the author over than 50 advanced works.

From 2000 to 2009 the department was headed by associate professor T.M.Slobodyanyuk.

Tetyana Mikolayivna SLOBODYANYUK successfully graduated from Vinnytsia Pirogov memorial Medical Institute and continued her education as a post-graduate student at the department of pathophysiology. She successfully defended the dissertation “Functional state of different departments of the cerebrum while dying from an asphyxia and in the process of renewal of vital functions” under the direction of prof. J.M.Britvan. 

T.M.Slobodyanyuk was working as the assistant of Department of pathophysiology, associate professor, and from 2000 - Head of this department. She is the author the over 80 advanced studies, methodical manuals for students, training films.

T.M.Slobodyanyuk became the member of Executive Committee of Republican Society of Pathophysiologies. She performed social work at the university and became a chairwoman of the female council and a member of the professional committee of university.

In 2009, the department’s head became the doctor of medical sciences, Professor Nadiya Anatoliivna RIKALO.

She was born in April 6, 1977. In 2000, she graduated from Vinnytsia Pirogov memorial Medical University and entered the master's program, at the same time she worked as an intern at the Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Children's Hospital. Since 2001, she worked as an assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology. During 2003-2006 she studied at a postgraduate course at the Department of Children's Infectious Diseases. In 2005, under the guidance of Professor I. I. Nezhoda, she successfully defended her candidate's dissertation on the topic: "Peculiarities of the course and treatment of salmonellosis and klebsiellosis in children depending on the nature of the microflora of the biotopes." During her graduate studies, she worked part-time at the Department of Pathophysiology. Since 2008 she held the position of associate professor of the Department of Pathophysiology.

In 2011, she defended her doctoral thesis: "Pathogenesis of chronic viral hepatitis B and C in children: age characteristics, pathogenetic therapy (experimental and clinical research)". In 2011, she was awarded with the scientific degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, and in 2016, she received the title of professor of the department.

The scientific activity of the department, which was headed by Nadiya Anatolyivna, changed it’s course towards the study of age-related features of compensatory and adaptive reactions, reactivity, mechanisms of reparative regeneration of organs and tissues when they are damaged, as well as the pathogenesis of acute and chronic pathology of internal organs, in particular, toxic hepatitis. For this purpose, the team of the department of pathophysiology studied in an experiment by flow cytometry the changes in cell cycle phases, recruitment ploidy and DNA fragmentation in the nuclei of cells of experimental animals’  internal organs of different age groups against the background of the introduction of tetrachloromethane, alcohol, hepato-, cardio- and nephrotoxic drugs to detect age-related features of damage and regeneration.

During the last years the development of methodical materials of all sections of the program of pathophysiology was adapted for the independent work of students became the main trend of scientific and methodological work of collective of department. The new information about etiology and pathogenesis of different pathological processes that was not represented in textbooks was described in these materials. The materials of general lectures for students were fully remade in the same direction. The program and methods of study of initial level were made for students and put into practice from the course of normal physiology. The programs for computer tests for evaluation of student’s knowledge levels of pathophysiology were developed. The teachers of department took part in the development and examination of tests for the licensed examination «Step-1».

The development of theoretical problems of general pathology in particular – hermeneutic was founded. A number of suggestions of organizationally-methodical direction was formulated on the improvement of level of theoretical preparation of doctor in modern conditions.

Methodical and teaching materials were created in the department. The newest information about etiology and pathogenesis of different pathological processes of separate diseases were reflected in these materials. The manuals include: „Pathogenic action of the environmental factors" „Common studies about etiology" „Common studies about pathogenesis" „Common studies about disease" „Typical pathological processes" were published. The computer educational film: „Inflammation" was created and the original educational tables were developed.

The teachers of department took part in process International congress of physiologists, in the All-union conventions of pathophysiology, in International constituent congress of pathophysiology, in republican conventions of pathophysiology, republican plenums, conferences, symposiums.

During these years the teachers have published the more than 500 scientific works and graduated 28 candidates and 5 doctors of medical sciences.

The organization of work of the student scientific society is an important direction to which the department constantly stirs a lot of attention. There are 15-20 actively working students in it every year.

The subject of scientific researches of student scientific society on all stages of development of department coincided with the trend of scientific work of teachers of department: study of disturbances of the external respiration accompanying different pathological processes and role of the initial functional state of central nervous system, study of influence on the organism of different chemical weed-killers (pesticides, herbicides and defoliants), which are used in agriculture, study of biological action of the electric and electromagnetic fields of high-voltage of industrial frequency.

During the last years the members of student scientific society were studying antihypoxic action of a number of factors (ascorbic acid, derivative of adamantine, ATP and others).

A number of works is devoted to the issue of general pathology of – problem of definition in medicine, evaluation approaches to the functional changes at the different types of pathology.

The study of pathogenetic consequences of organ features of haemodynamics and functions of kidney is an interesting and promising direction that the members of student scientific society began to develop.

The students of scientific society take part in the annual scientific conference of students and young scientists of university. 

The members of scientific society of department took part in the intercollegiate scientific conferences (Kiev, Lviv, Sumy etc), in the work of II convention of oncologists of Ukraine. The student of the scientific society S.P.Odarchenko has published work in materials of this convention (in 2000 and also students A.S.Skripka, M.V.Cheksha, A.V.Dniprovska, K.V.Slobodyanyuk have published works in different periodical issues.

A number of former members of the student scientific society became candidates of medical sciences: S.V.Prokopenko, N.A.Rikalo and others. Now they work at in Vinnytsia Pirogov memorial Medical University and other scientific institutions. Former members of the student scientific society of department of pathophysiology – S.A.Bondar, and N.Ketisan (Sri Lanka) became doctors of medical sciences.

Employees of the department:

assistant L.O. Yarovenko, Doctor of Medicine, Assoc. O.V. Androschuk, assistant O.M. Mordvinova, head of the department, prof. N.A. Rykalo, assistant Y.M. Berehovenko, Doctor of Medicine M.A. Bereznyak, Doctor of Medicine V.V. Piliponova, assistant T.L. Movchan, Doctor of Medicine A.O. Ivanytsia, Doctor of Medicine S.G. Polinkevis.

On September 23-25, 2014, the VI Plenum of the Scientific Society of Pathophysiologists of Ukraine and the scientific-practical conference "Current issues of experimental and clinical pathophysiology" with the participation of international specialists were organized and successfully held by the efforts of the department's employees. According to the program of the plenum, meetings were held on the following topics: "Molecular-genetic aspects of pathophysiology", "Inflammation: mechanisms of development".

Photo report of the VI Plenum of Pathophysiologists, which was held on September 23-25, 2014. Khmelnyk

Since 2016, the department has initiated and annually held an intellectual and entertaining show "League of PATphys" for students of various faculties.

In 2022 Victoria Piliponova, doctor of medical sciences, became the head of the department.


Piliponova Viktoriia

Chief of the department

a Chief of the Pathophysiology Department, Ass. Professor, Ph.D. of medical sciences
In 2000, she graduated from Pirogov Memorial Medical University with a specialty "General Medicine."
Since 2004 — an assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology, and from 2013 to now — Associate Professor in the same department.
In 2012 defended her Ph.D. thesis: "Indicators of cardiointervalography in healthy boys and girls of different somatotypes," on 14.03.03, "Normal Physiology."
Actively participates in preparing educational and methodological developments and recommendations for practical classes, tests, and control tasks.
She teaches the discipline to Ukrainian and foreign students of the 3rd year of the Medical Faculty (specialties: "General Medicine, "Pediatrics," "Medical psychology"), the Pharmaceutical Faculty (full-time and part-time), 2nd-3rd year of the Dental Faculty — in Ukrainian, Russian and English.
She is a co-executor of the departmental scientific work "Influence of humoral factors on the mechanisms of development of pathological processes in the liver, kidneys, myocardium caused by the action of exo- and endogenous factors, and their correction."
Annually prepares students for the scientific conference of young scientists "The First Step in Science." Students have repeatedly won prizes at scientific conferences and All-Ukrainian Olympiads.
Actively participates in scientific and methodical conferences and congresses of various levels.
Research and teaching experience at VNMU — 18 years. Published 58 scientific and methodological works, of which 26 articles were published in specialized publications recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and 2 in foreign publications included in the Scopus list, has 1 patent for a utility model.
She was awarded with honorary diplomas of VNMU and an Honorary Diploma of the Department of Education and Science of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration.

Romanenko Irina

Іn 2008 graduated from Vinnytsia National Pirogov memorial Medical University with a specialty in "general medicine". From 2008 to 2010 passed an internship on the specialty of "Psychiatry" at the Vinnytsia Regional Psychiatric Hospital N○2. From 2010 to 2013 worked as a psychiatrist at Vinnytsia Regional Psychiatric Hospital N○2. In 2013 was accepted for an apprenticeship as a junior-teacher at the Department of Pathophysiology of Vinnytsia National Pirogov memorial Medical University. In 2014 becomes an assistant at the Department of Pathophysiology of Vinnytsia National Pirogov memorial Medical University. In 2016 underwent advanced training courses at the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate education on the specialty of clinical pathophysiology. Teaches pathophysiology to domestic and foreign students of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Dental faculties. In 2024, she defended her dissertation on the topic ‘Mechanisms of tissue damage
of the liver and kidneys in experimental
acute alcohol damage and
ways of metabolic correction’ -14.03.04 222
22 ‘Health care’
in the speciality ‘Medicine-222’ and received a PhD degree. . Is a co-author of the departmental scientific research "Influence of humoral factors on the development mechanisms of pathological processesin the liver, caused by exo- and endogenous agents and during their correction". Is a co-authorof 6 teaching recommendations for practical classes in pathophysiology for students of Medical, Pharmaceutical and Dental faculties. In 2021 completed advanced training courses of thematic improvement on the specialty of clinical pathophysiology at the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education. In 2021 became the chief of the educational office of the Department of Pathophysiology. Starting from 2021 works as an assistant of professor at the Department of Pathophysiology. Total number of publications - 26, in the Web of Science - 1, including 1 utility model patent.

Bereznjak Mihail

Ivanica Arina

Beregovenko Julia


Science activity

Literature published by department
