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History of Philosophy and Social Sciences Department
Doctor and humanism, Doctor and citizen ... These concepts are essential and for many years were the main content and purpose of University’s social scientists to educate the medical specialist in health protection sphere. In the case of modern Ukrainian statehood our Department committee to implement the new concept of teaching socio-humanities, preparing the younger generation to accept the new challenges of modernity, mastering of global and national developments in the field of social studies.
History of Department is inseparable from the history of University, and therefore from history of society. It has undergone significant influence and the dominant ideology of totalitarianism 1930-s-1940-s, Khrushchev's Reformation, stagnant state and perestroika hopes for the better. Taking active citizenship position, teachers differently perceived the realities of social life. In that time it was humble praise of the Marxist-Leninist theory and ideology, party leaders, but also honest and principled attitude to what was happening in society, the desire to critically reflect on the laws of social development and tragic pages of our history, to inculcate to students a sense of patriotism, justice, social optimism.
Department has come a difficult way of development and various reorganizations. In the Soviet period ideological factors in the organizational structure and content were prevailing.
Since its inception in 1944 department was headed by V. H. Pypko (1944-1949), P. S. Kryvko (1949-1975), S. K. Zhuravlov (1975-1976), V. D. Holichenko (1976 - 1979), S. I. Rudavka (1979-1981), A. T. Davydiuk (1981-2002), N. B. Shust (2002-2005), V. P. Latsyba (2005-2008).
It is pertinent to mention teachers, who by their tireless work helped shape the department’s staff, its best traditions. In the first decades P. V. Shostak, P. A. Polishchuk, L.H.Budonna, A. I. Kadysheva, N. Ya. Zhelieznaia, D. S Tretiak and others worked on the department.
In the postwar years among teachers stood out for their intelligence, skills, sensitivity to colleagues and students V. N. Orlov, Yu. P. Morohovsky, V. M. Mazylo, Y. H. Telman, V. Yu. Derezyuk, V. S. Bieliakova, L. B. Olshevsky, V. Yu. Vasyliev.
Department of Philosophy was established in 1963. Before this time, the teaching of philosophy was conducted by teachers who were members of the history of Communist Party of Soviet Union and Political Economy Department (associate prof. Laptev. P. M, associate prof. Odnorohov V. U., senior lecturer Ivanov E. M., associate prof. Nihalchuk L. M.). Head of the Department associate prof Danylenko I. M has headed during 30 years. In 1980, associate prof. Danylenko I. M. has defended doctoral thesis.
Since 1993 Department of History and Economics and Department of Philosophy were united into Department of Social Sciences, headed by prof. Davydiuk A. T.
After new reorganization in 2003 it has became as Department of Philosophy and Department of Social Sciences, and they functioned as separate administrative and research teaching departments of University (headed by prof. Cherkasov S. V. and prof. Shust N. B., associate prof. Latsyba V. P.)
Since 2008 previously mentioned departments were again united into the Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences.
Considerable assistance in the organization and implementation of the educational process for many years educational and methodical office has provided. Over the years, it was led by V. P. Shevchuk, V. K. Vasylenko, Ye. P. Kysilevsky, H. P. Mamonov, O. P. Tymofieiev. Since 2006 educational and methodical office is headed by V. O. Horina.
One of the positive features of the department is a constant concern for high professional training of teachers. It is usually carried out through doctoral and postgraduate studies in the leading university centers of Kyiv, Moscow and Odessa. These dissertations of lecturers devoted to the most actual issues of historical and political experience of society, methodology of scientific cognition, and on the economic life. Lecturers of department have prepared and published a dozen of monographs and reference books, developed many complex scientific issues, and published many scientific articles, reports, theses. The vast majority of them received rave reviews of research and teaching community. Currently, in the Department harmonious blend of professional skills and aspirations of young teachers to research work is very popular. Department has an important role in improving teaching methods, especially in the context of the Bologna process. In the 2005-2006 academic years the implementation of credit-modular system determined the basic forms and principles of teaching experiment.
Section of philosophy provides teaching of Philosophy and elective courses ethical problems of medicine, ethics and deontology in medicine, logic and formal logic to students of all faculties.
Section of social sciences provides teaching of such disciplines as History of Ukraine, Political Science, History of Ukrainian culture, the basics of economical theory, Sociology.
The first experience of organizational methodical securing of study humanities confirms the benefits concerning intensification of educational process; the systemization of learning of material; increasing of student’s motivation and responsibility over the results of the study; study of program material by its clear distinction in meaning and in time.
The significant achievement is renewal of courses in History of Ukraine and Political Science, History of Ukrainian culture, and the central to which is given to the study of the history of Ukrainian statehood at different stages and in different conditions of civilizing process, the formation of modern political institutions.
Department is full of aspirations in continuation to maintain persistent search for highly efficient forms and methods of educational work, to fill it with modern didactic and informative materials, to promote civil coming-to-be of young doctors, increase the glory of National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia.
Kulish Pavlo Lavrentiiovych
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy
He works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya 1996-2000, since 2019
19 Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy
"The correlation of truth and proof in scientific knowledge"
1979 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Vergeles Kostiantyn Mykolaiovych
Professor, Doctor of Philosophy
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2007
2012 Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy
"The national factor in the context of social life of Orthodoxy (The Russian Orthodox Church case)"
2015 Associate Professor
2019 Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
2021 Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine
"The essence and meanings of man in Orthodoxy: the methodology of philosophical and religious studies"
2005 Chernivtsi National University named after Yurii Fedkovych
Latsyba Valerii Pavlovych
Director of studies, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Candidate in History
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 1977
1977 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
1983 Ph.D. Candidate in History
1991 Associate Professor
2005-2008 - Head of Department of Social Sciences.
Cherkasov Sviatoslav Vasylovych
Professor, Doctor of Philosophy
Lecturer of Philosophy, Logic. Formal logic
He has basic higher medical and philosophical education.
In November 1993, he has defended his doctoral thesis in the Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow); in October 1996 at the Institute of Philosophy of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine the dissertation was re-defended.
"Diagnosis as a specific knowledge in medicine. Philosophical and methodological analysis"
The areas of scientific problems are: logic and epistemology, history of philosophy, philosophical issues of medicine. He has published 65 scientific papers, including one monograph and a textbook; he has prepared one PhD candidate in Philosophy.
Bednarchyk Taras Romanovych
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2007
1997 Vinnytsia State Pedagogical Institute
2007 Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy
"Ukrainian Native Faith Movement in Diaspora of 20-th century"
2015 Associate Professor
Trukhmanova Svitlana Leonidivna
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Candidate in History
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 1999, 2005 Senior Lecturer,
2009 Ph.D. Candidate in History
"Social, cultural and political processes in the towns of eastern Podillya during 1920-th - at the beginning 1930-th"
2013 Associate Professor
1984 Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University
Kalach Dmytro Mykhailovych
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2017
2017 Ph.D. Candidate in Philosophy
"Interfaith dialogue in modern Ukraine: Philosophical and Religion Analysis"
2010 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Vakar Tetiana Volodymyrivna
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2014. 2019 - Associate Professor.
2017 Ph.D. Candidate in Ecomomics
"Branding of rural areas"
2005 Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of KNUTE (Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics)
Marchuk Ivanna Anatoliivna
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Candidate in Pedagogics
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2009,
2015 Senior Lecturer, 2019 - Associate Professor.
2018 Ph.D. Candidate in Pedagogics
"Training of future Masters of Medicine for realization of marketing in professional activity"
2006 Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of KNUTE (Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics)
Shkolnikova Tetiana Yuriivna
Associate Professor, Ph.D. Candidate in History
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2017. 2019 - Senior Lecturer
2021 Ph.D. Candidate in History, 2022 Associate Professor
"Social aspects of health care organization in Vinnytsia and Khmelnytsky regions in the post-war years (the mid-1940s – the mid-1950s)"
2002 Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky
Ivanova Nataliia Viacheslavivna
Senior Lecturer
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2005
2010 Senior Lecturer
1997 Vinnytsia State Pedagogical Institute
Ratushniak Ihor Ivanovych
Senior Lecturer
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2012. 2019 -
2001 Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky
He co-authored scientific publications:
I.I. Ratushniak, K.V. Zavalniuk, O.M. Kravchuk
Podillia Gubernial Starosta (Village Head) Serhiy Kyseliov (1877–1937) in the Documents of the Epoch. – Vinnytsia, 2016. – 282 p.
The Ukrainian Revolution (1917–1921) in Names: Vinnytsia Pages: Biographical Handbook / Structured by T.R. Karoyeva, Responsible for the publication Yu.A. Zinko; Vinnytsia City Council, Vinnytsia History Centre, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University. – Vinnytsia: LLC “TVORY”, 2019. – 320 p. : photos and illustrations. p. 94-94, p. 81, p. 218-219.
Bobelo Vadym Serhiiovych
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2006
2006 Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University named after Mykhailo Kotsiubynsky
Horina Valentyna Oleksandrivna
Director of Educational and Methodical office
1977 Vinnytsia State Pedagogical Institute
Kovalchuk Halyna Volodymyrivna
Senior Laboratory Assistant
1985 Vinnytsia Institute of Trade and Economics of KNUTE (Kyiv University of Trade and Economics)
Khodyrieva Yuliia Volodymyrivna
Senior Laboratory Assistant
2002 National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, stomatological faculty
Filenko Kateryna Serhiivna
Senior Laboratory Assistant
2006 Vinnytsia State Pedagogical University
Melnyk Viktor Myroslavovych
Lecturer, Ph.D. Candidate of Political Sciences
She works in National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya since 2017
2020 Ph.D. Candidate of Political Sciences
"Political Anthropology in Occidental and Oriental Dimensions (Comparative Aspect)"
2017 Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
Workings out and Consultations
The 1 term, 2022-2023 academic year
Missed classes and «unsatisfactory» grades working out
are kept on Microsoft Team, Google Meets platforms
under teacher’s agreement
on the days of working out:
Tuesday and Thursday from 16.00 till 18.00.
Feedback from teachers is via messengers (Viber, Telegram, WhatsApp)
or e-mail (at the teacher's choice)
during working hours.
Science activity
Directory of the Ukrainian People's Republic in Vinnytsia in December 1918. Documents and materials. /Compiler I. I. Ratushnyak – Vinnytsia: TVORY, 2020. – 256 p. |
Ukrainian revolution (1917-1921) in names: Vinnytsia pages: biographer. directory |
A. T. Davydiuk Medical hecatomb
Ratushnyak I. I., Zavalnyuk K. V., Kravchuk O. M. Podolsk provincial head Sergei Kiselyov (1877–1937) in the documents of the era. – Vinnytsia, 2016. – 282 p. |
S. L. Trukhmanovа Socio-cultural and political processes in the cities of eastern Podillya in the 1920s and early 1930s – Vinnytsia, 2016. – 236 p. |
O. V. Korzun
History of Agricultural Research Affairs in Podillia Region (the end of XIX – the beginning of XX c.) – Vinnytsia, 2011. – 248 p.: Port., Photos.
The National Book of Holodomor Victims of 1932-1933 in Ukraine. Vinnitsia region. - Vinnytsia. - SE "DKF". - 2008. - 1360 p.: Map, photos. / Editor: Latsyba V. P. Regional Editorial Board: Spiridonova L. M. (Chairman), Latsyba V. P. (Vice-Chairman ), Neshyk S. S. (Vice-Chairman ), Vasyliuk S. M, Halchak S. D., Hunko M. M., Dusar O. I., Zinko Yu. A., Karoieva L. R., Kravchenko P. M., Lazarenko V. I., Malynovsky M. A. , Mushynsky O. A., Podkur R. Yu., Filonov L. V. Authored by: Latsyba V. P. (Head ), Vyzhha V. V., Kravchenko P.M., Melnychuk I. P., Petrenko V. I., Podkur R. Yu.
The Rehabilitated by History: In the twenty-seven volumes. Vinnytsia region. / Editors of Volume: I. S. Hamretsky (Chairman), V. P. Latsyba, S. S. Neshyk et al. Compilers: V. P. Latsyba (Head) , V. I. Bilokon, K. D. Bukhin, V. Yu. Vasyliev, K. V. Zavalniuk, S.L. Kalytko, P. M. Kravchenko, I. H. Palamar, R. Yu. Podkur , O. K. Strukevych. - Book. 1. - Vinnytsia: SE "DKF", 2006. - 908 p.
/ Editors of Volume: L. M. Spiridonova (Chairman), V. P. Latsyba , S. S. Neshyk et al. Compilers: V. P. Latsyba (Head) , V. I. Bilokon, K. D. Bukhin, V. Yu. Vasyliev, V. V. Vyzhha, K. V. Zavalniuk, S. L. Kalytko, P. M. Kravchenko, I. H. Palamar, R. Yu. Podkur, O. K. Strukevych. – Book 2. - Vinnytsia: SE " DKF ", 2007 . - 848 p.
/ Editors of Volume: L. M. Spiridonova (Chairman), V. P. Latsyba , S. S. Neshyk et al. Compilers: V. P. Latsyba (Head) , V. I. Bilokon, K. D. Bukhin, V. Yu. Vasyliev, V. V. Vyzhha, M. V. Vyzhha, K. V. Zavalniuk, S. L. Kalytko, P. M. Kravchenko, R. Yu. Podkur, O. K. Strukevych. - Book. 3. - Vinnytsia: SE " DKF", 2010. - 784 p.
/ Editors of Volume: L. M. Spiridonova (Chairman), V. P. Latsyba , S. S. Neshyk et al. Compilers: V. P. Latsyba (Head) , V. I. Bilokon, K. D. Bukhin, V. Yu. Vasyliev, M. V. Vyzhha, K. V. Zavalniuk, S. L. Kalytko, P. M. Kravchenko, R. Yu. Podkur, O. K. Strukevych. - Book. 4. - Vinnytsia: FOP " Kashtelianov O. I.", 2012 . - 776 p.
Hunger and Famine in Podillia 1920-1940. Collection of Documents and Materials / Regional editorial board of scientific documentary series of books "Rehabilitated by History" (Chairman I. S. Hamretsky, Vice-Chairman V. P. Latsyba, S. S. Neshyk et al.). Authors compilers: R. Yu. Podkur , V. Yu. Vasyliev, P. M. Kravchenko, V. P. Latsyba, I. P. Melnychuk, V. I. Petrenko. – Vinnytsia: SE " DKF ", 2007. – 704 p.
Political Repressions and Famines in the Vinnytsia Region in the XX Century in the Context of National Memory. Proceedings of the Regional Scientific Practical Conf. (Vinnytsia, November 24, 2005) / Ed. Board: I.S. Hamretsky, Yu. A. Zinko, V. P. Latsyba et al. - Vinnytsia: Knyha-Veha, 2006. - 200 p.
A. T. Davydiuk Victims of the Red Terror – Vinnytsia: Continent-PRIM, 2001. – 274 р. |
"The Vital Glass Was Bitter ...": Bibliog. Reference Book.
/ Compilers: H. Avramenko, O. Kizian; Preface of V. Latsyba. – 2nd supplemented edition. – Vinnytsia: TOV "Mercury - Podillia", 2001. - 76 p.
Political Repressions in Podillia Region in the XX century:
Proceedings of International Scientific Practical Conf. (Vinnytsia, 23-24 November, 2001) / Ed. Board: A. T. Davydiuk , P. M. Kravchenko, V. P. Latsyba. - Vinnytsia: Veles, 2002. - 211 p.
History of Towns and Villages of the Ukrainian SSR : Vinnytsia Region. - Kyiv: Supreme Edition of USE at the Academy of Sciences USSR, 1972. - 630 p. Editor-in-chief : Tronko Petro Tymofiiovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Editorial board of Volume: Oliinyk A. F. (Chairman of Editorial Board ), Babiy M. L., Bovkun V. D., Vinikovetsky S. Ya., Helevera V. K. (executive secretary of the editorial board ), Horokhovsky O. Z., Kaian P. L., Kosakivsky H. M., Kravchuk V. I., Kryvko P. S., Liutvort H. A. (Deputy Chairman of Editorial Board ), Oliinyk L. V. , Oliinyk S. I., Orlyk V. Ya., Ptushchenko V. O., Pshuk I.P., Sovko V. M., Stepanenko Yu. O., Trokhymenko S. K. Research editorial group at the regional editorial board: V. I. Bondar, M. H. Horobchuk, I. A. Zabairachny, A. R. Lokaienko, A. A. Miniailo, V. Ya. Polishchuk, M. F. Prysiazhniuk, Y.H. Telman. In gathering of materials actively were involved: concerning Haysyn district of Vinnytsia region ( A. T. Davydiuk) and abovementioned (employees of the department are emphasized) Encyclopaedic issue about the history of towns and villages of Ukraine consists of 26 volumes. In gathering of materials and writing essays and references was involved the wider community: lecturers, teachers , journalists, political party members, Soviet, Komsomol and trade unions of workers, historians, staff of archives, cultural educational institutions, veterans of labour and revolutionary battles of the Great Patriotic War – approximately two thousand persons. On the preparation of materials 26 town’s and district’s commissions, 660 working groups were employed. Volume contains 55 essays about towns, district centres and most significant settlements, 601 information about centres of village country (side) councils. |