For students
To aspirants
Elective courses
Qualification works
Clinical ordinator
The Department of Pharmacy was established in the year 2002. Since that until February 2013 Associate Professor Vladimir Petrovich Bobruk, who did a lot for scientific and technical establishment of the Department, chaired it. Dr. Bobruk was involved into the formation and organization of the its educational process of the Department of Pharmacy and of the Pharmaceutical Faculty in general.
At present, Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor Elena Kryvoviaz, heads the Department of Pharmacy of VNMU.
A united team of qualified employees was created at the Department within a few years after its establishment. This team is able to solve successfully at the modern level various tasks on training the specialists-pharmacists.
One of the first teachers of the Department of Pharmacy were Assoc. Prof. Bolokhovska T. O., Assoc. Prof. Azarov O.S., Assoc.Prof. Yushchenko T.I.
There are 32 teachers work at the Department at present. One doctor of medical sciences (professor - Germaniuk TA,), one doctor of biological sciences (professor - Rodinkova VV), one doctor of pharmaceutical sciences (associate professor - Kryvoviaz O.V.,) are among them. There are also 19 Candidates of Sciences, namely Assoc. Prof. Bobruk V.P., Assoc. Prof. Kryklyva S.D., Assoc. Prof. Palamarchuk O.V., Assoc. Prof. Artemchuk M.A., Assoc. Prof. Sergeev S.V., Assoc. Prof. Koval V.M., Assoc. Prof. Tomashevskaya Yu.O., Assoc. Prof. Balytska O.P., Assoc. Prof. Tozyuk O.Y., Assoc. Prof. Bobrovskaya O.A., Assoc. Prof. Voronkina A.S., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Grigoruk Yu.M., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Kremenskaya L.V., Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Semenenko O.M., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Gutsol V.V., Ph.D., Assoc. Prof. Balinskaya M.V., Assoc. Prof. Shcherba I.K., Ph.D., Balanchuk T.I., Ph.D., Assoc. prof. Kudrya V.V.) Three Senior Teachers (Senior Assistant Gordiyevska N.A., Senior Assistant Blagun O.D., Senior Assistant Gaidai O.D.), three Professor Assistants (Assistant Kramar G.I., Assistant Polishchuk Yu.M., Assistant Bondar L.M., Assistant Kovalska L.V.), two teachers in training (Tatsyuk A.I., Zlagoda V.S.) also work at the Department.
It is important to note, that the qualification of the Department of Pharmacy’ staff differs from the qualification of teachers of other departments. This is because of in addition to scientific and pedagogical experience many teachers have extensive experience of practical activity in the field of pharmacy. These are top-level pharmacists, managers and deputy pharmacy managers, which are doing there scientific and teaching career after the pharmaceutical one.
The main task of the Department is to provide the high-quality education to future specialists and to teach them to be able to organize both an excellent work of pharmacy establishments and their single units, to identify and implement their activities in various areas in order to provide a high level of pharmaceutical assistance to the population.
Specialized disciplines, which are given by the teachers of the Department of Pharmacy, are following:
For the 1st year students they are “Biology with the essentials of genetics”; an elective course "Cell Biology"; Introductory practice for pharmacy economy and management; elective course "Introduction to Pharmacy".
For the 2nd year students – “Pharmaceutical botany”; elective course "Cultivation of Medicinal Plants"; elective course "Modern Problems of Molecular Biology"; elective course “Applied Genetics”; elective course "Theoretical bases of drugs technology"; Practical training on Pharmaceutical Botany.
For the 3rd year students – Technology of drugs: Pharmacy compounding; “Pharmacology”; “Perfume and cosmetics”; “Propedeutical practice on Pharmacy compounding”.
For the 4th year students – “Organization and Economics in Pharmacy”; “Technology of drugs: Industrial Technology”; “Practical training on technology of drugs”; Proceeding practice on Pharmacy compounding, elective course “Training of a pharmaceutical representative”; “Medical and pharmaceutical commodities”;
For the 5th year students – “Technology of cosmetical products”; “Pharmaceutical biotechnology”; “Industrial practice on organization and economy of pharmacy”; “Practical training on Industrial technology of drugs", "Quality systems in pharmaceutics")).
The organization of education and the material resources of the department meet the world standards. For instance, the Department is equipped with a computer system placed in a computer class (12 workplaces) with the possibility of free Internet access. Lectures and practical classes are conducted with the use of educational videos, multimedia projectors and other modern tutorials.
One of the main problems of the future specialist is the level of his professional training in the conditions of competitive labour market. This encourages teachers to seek intensive methods of learning, improving the control of students' knowledge.
Students gain knowledge at practical classes and seminars during their industrial practice in pharmacies and pharmaceutical enterprises in Vinnytsia region and other regions of Ukraine.
What is more, carrying out laboratory and practical classes, during the extra-curricular time, when the teaching and research work is carried out in different sections of the student's scientific group under the guidance of the teachers; students gain their own skills of scientific work. The results of such work are reported at the meetings of the student scientific group of the Department, and the best of them are put forward at student scientific conferences of the national Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, and other Universities of Ukraine.
Kryvoviaz Olena Viktorivna
The head of pharmacy department, Professor, Doctor of Sciences (Pharmacy)
Rodinkova Victoria Valeriivna
Professor, Doctor of Biological Sciences
November, 2019 – Reviewer of Applications submitted to Programs of Fulbright Fund in Ukraine
August, 2019 – Advanced Aerobiology Course in Payerne (Switzerland), devoted to Automatic Pollen Monitoring
Since February, 2019 – she is the editor-in-chief of the web portal “All about Allergy” ( devoted to the control and treatment of the allergy-related complains and diseases.
Since November 2018 – Responsible for the carrying out the European Scientific Program “AutoPollen” in Ukraine, namely at VNMU.
Since October 2018 she is a head of the Laboratory at VNMU of Allergenic Environmental Factors’ Investigation
In November, 2017 – May, 2018, she carried out research on Aerobiology within a Fulbright Scholarship at the Biology Science Department of the Tulsa University (Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA)
In August, 2017 – she was awarded a regional Prize “Leader of the Year” in a nomination “Leader of Science”
In April, 2017, she got her Professorship approved by the Ministry of Education of Ukraine
In July, 2016, she got into the Board of European Aerobiological Society (EAS) for the second cadence. The election had been organized during the EAS Symposium held in Lyon, France.
In July-October, 2016-2018, she was a Principal Counsel of a Clinical Trial carried out in 4 Ukrainian cities concerning pollen count.
In June 2015, she attended the EAACI Annual Congress in Barcelona, Spain and presented her original research there related to pollen counts as an invited speaker of IRINE Symposium. One from her four poster presentations won a Poster Prize in the “Pollen and pollination plus others (HDM, climate...) as risk factors for allergies” section.
On March 13, 2015 she successfully passed the defense of her Doctoral Thesis: “The development of system of forecasting and control of allergenic biological factors impacting the health of urban populations in Ukraine” done at VNMU.
In April, 2014 she was selected as an ASPEN-Ukraine Seminar’ Participant and graduated from the ASPEN Program mentioned.
In February, 2013 she studied environmental computer modeling using the System of Integrated Modelling of Athmospheric CoMposition (SILAM) at the SILAM Winter School held at Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki.
In summer, 2013 she successfully chaired the 11th European Course on Basic Aerobiology (11th ECBA) held at Vinnitsa National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in July, 4-10. 11th ECBA was held out of the Administrative Europe (EU) firstly for more than 20 years of the Course history.
In June 2013, she attended the EAACI Annual Congress in Milan, Italy and presented her original research there related to pollen counts as a chairperson and speaker of IRINE Symposium.
In 2012-2016 she was the scientific leader of the research work "Aerobiological monitoring as a basis for the development of pollen forecast for the prevention of seasonal allergy in population", state registration number: 0112U003477
Since 2012 she is a Board Member of European Aerobiological Society (EAS)
In 2012, she became a President of Ukrainian Association on Aerobiology. Organization involves members from 5 Ukrainian regions currently.
In June 2011, she attended the EAACI Annual Congress in Istanbul, Turkey and presented her original research there related to pollen counts using Burkard trap in Vinnitsa, Ukraine. Her presentation won a Poster Prize in the “Air pollution exposure and related allergic diseases” section.
Since 2010, she has been a regular participant in the EAACI Annual Congress as a Speaker and/or Chair of the IRINE Symposium. In addition, she presented her own research findings at other Congress sessions (poster and oral). Since then, she has attended congresses in London (United Kingdom), Istanbul (Turkey), Milan (Italy), Helsinki (Finland), Barcelona (Spain), Vienna (Austria), Munich (Germany), Lisbon (Portugal).
In 2010-2018, she made presentations in the field of Aerobiology and co-chaired the poster and plenary sections at local European scientific conferences held in Vienna (Austria), Krakow (Poland), Berlin (Germany), Milan (Italy), Lyon (France), Parma (Italy), Bodrum (Turkey);
In 2010 Dr. Rodinkova was a Principal Counsel of a Clinical Trial involved pollen count carried out in 8 Ukrainian cities.
In June 2010, she attended the EAACI Annual Congress in London, UK and presented their results of pollen monitoring as a speaker for IRINE Symposium.
In July 2009 she was the first to participate as a coach in one and only Aerobiology course “Harmonization of Pollen Identification” held in Kiev, Ukraine as well as in Krasnodar, Russia.
Since of April, 2009 and currently she has worked with a Burkard trap provided by the German Pollen information Service and by Austrian Aerobiological group for VNMU Aerobiology Research Group for free.
In 2008 she graduated from short-term educational program devoted to airborne pollen identification held in Bordeaux University No 1(France), at the CREMEM under support of RNSA (French Aerobiology Association)
In June 2008, she attended the EAACI Annual Congress in Barcelona, Spain and presented her original research there related to pollen counts using gravimetric methods in Vinnitsa, Ukraine.
Finland, Turku, August, 2008 she participated the Fourth European Symposium on Aerobiology
Bordeaux, France, October, 2008 she participated a Complementary Pollen Training Course.
In December, 2005, She received her PhD Degree on Aerobiology. Her thesis was defended on May, 2005 and it’s devoted to the Aerobiology research in Vinnitsa, Ukraine using gravimetric sampling of pollen. It was the first defended Aerobiology-related thesis in Ukraine.
In 2004-2005 years, she was the director of the Vinnitsa regional News agency “RIA-inform” and then she became the first editor-in-chief of the first Vinnitsa regional daily newspaper "20 minutes".
In September 2005 as the editor-in-chief of the “20 minutes” she received a fellowship of the “Open World” program. She studied the working and development of the American press including its rules and perspectives in Washington (USA) and Cincinnati (Ohio, USA). During this time, she also attended the City Center of Air Quality in Cincinnati, Ohio and became familiar with principles of the pollen counting in USA using the Rotorod sampler.
Since 2000, she is a member of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) and since 2008 she is a member of EAS.
1996 - She graduated from the Vinnitsa Teachers Training University, Biology and Geography Science Department.
From September 1995 until July 1999, she was a journalist for the Vinnitsa regional weekly paper “Vinnitsa News”.
Since 2000 and currently she is the editor-in-chief of the newspaper of VNMU “Young Doctor”.
1998-2005 She studied Journalism in Ukraine including IREX project supported by USAID (1998), in Finland (1999), in USA (Open World Program, 2005) and in Poland (2005).
The entire reference list of Dr. Victoria Rodinkova includes more than 240 published scientific Manuscripts, Abstracts and Manuals for Students written in English, in Ukrainian and in Russian.
Some papers published in English are listed below.
Tomashevska Yulia Oleksandrivna
Assistant Professor, Candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Toziuk Olena Yuriivna
Associate Professor, Candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Balitska Olesia Pavlivna
Assistant Professor, Phd in Pharmacy
Balynska Maryna Volodymyrivna
Associated Professor, PhD
Voronkina Alona Sergiivna
Associate professor, PhD in pharmacy
Hutsol Viktoriia Volodymyrivna
docent, PhD
Koval Vasyl Mykolaiovych
Assistant Professor, Candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Kremenska Liliia Viktorivna
Assistant professor, Phd in Biology
Kryklyva Svitlana Dmytrivna
Associate Professor, PhD in Biology
Semenenko Oksana Mykolaivna
docent, Phd
Voitenko Tetiana Ivanivna
assistant professor, PhD in pharmacy
Kudria Viktoriia Viktorivna
Assoc. professor, PhD in pharmacy
Kramar Hanna Ivanivna
assistant professor, PhD
Zlahoda Viktoria Sergiivna
Superior Teacher
Blagun Oksana Dmytrivna
Superior Teacher
Gaiday Olga Dorofiivna
Superior Teacher
Tatsiuk Anastasiya Ihorivna
Years of work at the department: 2018 - 2024
Gordzievska Neonila Andriivna
Years of work at the department: 2003 - 2024
Superior Teacher
Palamarchuk Olga Vsevolodivna
Years of work at the department: 2004 - 2024
Associate Professor, PhD in Biology
I’m responsible for lectures and practical lessons Ukrainian and Russian for "Biology and Genetics Essentials" Discipline for the students of specialty "Pharmacy", and for "Medical Biology, Parasitology and Genetics" Discipline for students of "Clinical Pharmacy" speciality.
I’m the head of the “Biology” section of the Pharmaceutical students’ scientific society. I’m curator of academic groups, both domestic and foreign students of pharmaceutical faculty.
Bondar Lidija Matviivna
Years of work at the department: 2006 - 2023
Works in the pharmacy department from 2006. Teaches the subject «Medical and pharmaceutical science of commodities» for students IV-V courses.
for full-time and extramural students.
Bobrovska Olena Anatoliivna
Years of work at the department: 2003 - 2023
Assistant Professor, Phd in Biology
Grygoruk Yulia Mycolaivna
Years of work at the department: 2007 - 2022
Assistant professor, PhD in pharmacy
Polishchuk Yuliia Mykolaivna
Years of work at the department: 2012 - 2022
Hermaniuk Tamara Andriivna
Years of work at the department: 2006 - 2022
Professor, Doctor of Medicine
Shcherba Irina Karymivna
Years of work at the department: 2006 - 2022
docent, Phd in Biology
Biology” in Ukrainian and English.
Ivko Tetyana Ivanivna
Years of work at the department: 2011 - 2021
Associate Professor, PhD
Kovalska Lilia Volodimirivna
Years of work at the department: 2010 - 2021
Science activity
A permanent student scientific circle functions at the department
You can familiarize yourself with the results of the scientific work of the staff of the department at the following links:
Kryvoviaz Olena Viktorivna
Head of the Pharmacy Department , professor of HEI, doctor of pharmaceutical sciences
Scopus ID: 57197800246
Rodinkova Victoria Valeriivna
Professor of HEI, doctor of biological sciences
Scopus ID: 56507457400
Tomashevska Yuliia Oleksandrivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Scopus ID: 57219122630
Tozyuk Olena Yuriivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Scopus ID: 57197792864
Balynska Maryna Volodymyrivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Balitska Olesia Pavlivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Scopus ID:57197798738
Bobrovska Olena Anatoliivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of biological sciences
Scopus ID 57197805809
Voronkina Alona Sergiivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
WOS Researcher ID: C-2168-2018
Scopus ID: 57207890494
Hutsol Viktoriia Volodymyrivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Scopus ID: 57205149693
Koval Vasyl Mykolaiovych
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Scopus ID:57197800810
Kremenska Liliia Viktorivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Scopus ID:57201425756
Kryklyva Svitlana Dmytrivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of biological sciences
Scopus ID:57208227494
Palamarchuk Olga Vsevolodivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of biological sciences
Semenenko Oksana Mykolaivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Kudria Viktoriia Viktorivna
Associate professor of HEI, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Scopus ID: 57218352378
Kramar Hanna Ivanivna
assistant of the department, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Scopus ID: 57208491909
Blagun Oksana Dmytrivna
superior teacher
Gaiday Olga Dorofiivna
superior teacher
Gordzievska Neonila Andriivna
superior teacher
Zlahoda Viktoria Sergiivna
assistant of the department
Bondar Lidija Matviivna
assistant of the department
Literature published by department
Disciplines of the department
Acquaintance practice of the organization and economy of pharmacy
Analysis of financial-economic activity pharmacies
Biology and Genetics fundamentals
Еducational Field practical training for Medical Botany
Educational practice in technology of drugs
Homeopathic remedies technology
Industrial practice of organization and economy of pharmacy
Industrial Technology of Medicinal Preparations
Introduction into the pharmacy
Organization and economy of pharmacy
Pharmaceutical and medical commodity science
Pharmaceutical botany
Production practice on Pharmacy compounding
Practical training for Specializing (Drug Technology)
Production practice on Organization and Economy of Pharmacy
Propedeutical practice on pharmacy compounding
Small-series of Medicinal Preparations
Technology of Drugs: Pharmacy compounding
Technology of medicinal cosmetics
Work experiences of Industrial Technology of Medicinal Preparations
Elective courses
Applied Genetics
Cultivation of medicinal plants
Modern Problems in Molecular Biology
Perfume and cosmetics