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The Department of Nervous Diseases at Vinnytsia Medical Institute was established in 1935 at the Psycho-Neurological Hospital named after Acad. O.I. Yushchenko. The first head of the department was Professor Beder V.L., a representative of the Kyiv school of neurology.


During World War II, the department’s activities were suspended due to the occupation. After the liberation of the city, the department resumed its work. Following the death of Prof. Beder V.L. in 1946, the department was temporarily headed by Dr. Polishchuk V.B. In 1947, Dr. Alperovych P.M., a disciple of Academician Grynshtein A.M., was appointed as the department head.

In the post-war years, the department’s assistants included Barabash O.P., Zabara A.I., Mamychev R.Y., and Polishchuk V.B. Over time, the assistant staff changed, with Mamychev R.Y. and Polishchuk V.B. transferring to other positions, and Zabara A.I. passing away unexpectedly in 1951. New assistants, Bilyk V.D. (1951) and Pishel Ya.V. (1954), joined the department. Later, Pshechnaya Z.M. (1959-1966) and Assoc. Prof. of Neurosurgery Kopiakovskyi Yu.I. (1963-1965) also contributed to the department.


Барабаш Забара Мамичев

Development in the 1960s-1970s

With an increasing student intake and the opening of the Pediatric Faculty and the Faculty of Advanced Medical Training, new faculty members joined the department, including Demchuk A.I. (1966), Korniichuk A.G. (1966), Petrova T.I. (1967-2013), Starinets H.O. (1975), Pshechuk Ya.I. (1971-2014), Burlya V.I. (1973-1996), and Moskovko S.P. (1979). In 1967, Assoc. Prof. Pishel Ya.V. was appointed Director of the Kharkiv Research Institute of Neurology and Psychiatry named after Protopopov.

In 1962-1963, a new associate professorship in neurosurgery was established under Assoc. Prof. Kopiakovskyi Yu.I.. From 1973 to 1994, this course was led by Assoc. Prof. Burlya V.I. In 1979, an associate professorship in neurology and reflexotherapy was introduced, headed by Assoc. Prof. Korniichuk A.G., with faculty members including Assoc. Prof. Starinets H.O. and Kovale O.P. From 1986 to 1990, this course evolved into the Department of Neurology with Reflexotherapy at the Faculty of Advanced Medical Training, headed by Assoc. Prof. Korniichuk A.G. Faculty members included Assoc. Prof. Starinets H.O., Assoc. Prof. Zhelyba O.V., PhD Kirichenko V.D., Kovale O.P., and Borodiy O.M.

Modernization and Specialization

By Order No. 3 of January 14, 2016, the Department of Nervous Diseases with a Neurosurgery Course was split into two separate departments:

  • Department of Nervous Diseases
  • Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Postgraduate Education (FPE)

This decision aimed to enhance specialization and improve training for medical professionals in neurology and neurosurgery.

The Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, FPE at Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University focuses on advanced scientific and educational training for 4th and 5th-year medical students, neurology interns, and practicing physicians. The department operates on two clinical bases:

  1. Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital named after Acad. O.I. Yushchenko
  2. Vinnytsia Regional Children's Hospital

These facilities ensure high accessibility for practical training and research for future specialists.


Current Leadership and Faculty

The Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, FPE is led by PhD, Assoc. Prof. Moskovko H.S.

Московко Геннадій Сергійович

The core faculty includes 8 permanent instructors and 3 external associates:

  • Head of the Department: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Moskovko H.S.
  • Head of Educational Unit: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Starinets N.H.
  • Head of Clinical Work: Assistant Maistruk D.S.
  • PhD, Assoc. Prof. Zhelyba L.M.
  • PhD, Assoc. Prof. Svistilnyk R.V.
  • Assistant Lemeshov O.S.
  • PhD, Assistant Fix D.O.
  • Assistant Spivak Ya.V.

The support staff includes senior laboratory assistant and department trade union representative, Lashchenko I.H.

Additionally, part-time faculty members include:

  • PhD, Assoc. Prof. Olkhov V.M., neurosurgeon at the Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital named after Acad. O.I. Yushchenko
  • PhD, Assoc. Prof. Voloshchuk S.Ya., and PhD, Assistant Shvedskyi V.V., specialists at Vinnytsia Regional Children's Hospital

Clinical and Scientific Activities

Following World War II, the department was based at a single 40-bed neurology ward within the Psychiatric Hospital named after Acad. O.I. Yushchenko. By the 1950s-1960s, its clinical base expanded significantly, including:

  • 60-bed neurology ward for adults
  • 50-bed neurosurgery ward (1959)
  • 50-bed pediatric neurology ward (1962)

Professors P.M. Alperovych and M.V. Fayngold were pioneers of the Vinnytsia School of Neurology, organizing monthly professional society meetings, regional training sessions, and emergency consultations—traditions that continue today through clinical conferences and masterclasses.

In 1988, a stroke unit was established, followed by a rehabilitation unit in 2005. In 1999, the clinical base expanded to include Neurology Department at Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1.

The department's research has included over 70 international studies on stroke, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis in the past 20 years.

Neurosurgical Activities

The Neurosurgery Department provides a full range of neurosurgical procedures for adult patients with brain and spinal cord pathology. The main research directions include:

  • Improving neurosurgical care for stroke patients
  • Cerebrovascular disease
  • Spinal and peripheral nervous system disorders (traumatic nerve injuries, compression neuropathies)
  • Chronic pain management and innovative treatments

Advanced MRI and CT diagnostic facilities, electrophysiology labs, and computerized gait analysis (GAITRite system) are utilized in both clinical practice and student training.


Moskovko Gennadii S.

Head of department, PhD

.In 2002, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Vinnytsia State Medical University named after M. Pirogov, specializing in General Medicine. In 2002-2003, he studied for his internship and master's degree at the Department of Nervous Diseases of Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M. Pirogov, in 2004-2007 - for his postgraduate studies at the same department. Since 2016, he has been the head of the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery at the FPO since its foundation.

Starinec Nataliya G.

Lecturer, PhD

Graduated from Pirogov Vinnytsia State Medical Institute in 1997, internship in neurology at Pirogov VSMI in 1997-1998. Worked as a resident doctor at the neurological department of the Yushchenko National Cancer Center from 1998 to 2011. Postgraduate studies at the Department of Nervous Diseases 2005-2009.In 2011 she defended her PhD thesis in the specialty 14.01.15 - “Nervous Diseases” on the topic “Features of clinical manifestations in emotional disorders in patients with multiple sclerosis and their therapeutic correction”.In 2011 she was awarded the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences.Associate Professor at the Department of Nervous Diseases since 2014. Since 2009, the highest qualification category in the specialty “Neurology”.In 2010, an internship at the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of Pirogov National Medical University.From December 2012 to January 2013, an internship in the specialty “Pedagogy and Psychology” at the Vinnytsia Regional Institute of Postgraduate Education of Pedagogical Workers.In 2020, an internship in pediatric neurology at Pirogov National Medical University.

Zheliba Lesya

Lecturer, PhD

Graduated with honors from Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University in 1996.
Qualification: Medical Doctor.
First certification category in neurology.

PhD Thesis: "Vitamin Supply in Children and Adolescents with Epilepsy During Anticonvulsant Treatment", 2002, Specialty 14.01.15 – Nervous Diseases.
PhD in Medical Sciences since 2002.

1996 – 1998: Master's degree studies at the Department of Nervous Diseases, Vinnytsia National Pirogov Memorial Medical University (VNMU).
1998 – 2001: Postgraduate studies at the Department of Nervous Diseases, VNMU.
2001 – 2006: Assistant Professor at the Department of Nervous Diseases, VNMU.
2006 – 2021: Associate Professor at the Department of Nervous Diseases, VNMU; Head of the Educational Unit of the Department.
Since 2021: Associate Professor at the Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, VNMU.
Scientific Contributions:

Author of 33 scientific papers published in professional journals, including those indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.
Co-author of educational and methodological materials for practical neurology training for 4th-year students, interns, and specialization course attendees.
Research Activities:

Investigator in international research projects on multiple sclerosis treatment.
Certified EDSS rater, annually trained and certified for EDSS (Neurostatus-UHB Ltd., Switzerland).
Regularly attends professional development training for neurologists and academic staff in medical education institutions.
Clinical Consulting:

Provides scientific consultations at the Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital named after Acad. O.I. Yushchenko.
Professional Memberships:

Scientific and Practical Society of Neurologists, Psychiatrists, and Narcologists of Ukraine.
Member of the Ukrainian Neurological Association.
Practical Experience: 21 years in neurology.


Svistilnik Ruslan

In 2004, he graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya
Specialty - medical business
Qualification - doctor.
Specialization - neurology
Higher attestation category in neurology.
Candidate's thesis on the topic: "Clinical-morphological and metabolic
disorders in acute meningitis in children and methods of their correction ", 2010, 14.01.13 - infectious diseases.
From 2004 to 2005, he completed an internship in his specialty "neurology" on the basis of the clinic of nervous diseases named after Vinnytsia Regional Psychoneurological Hospital named after O. I. Yushchenko,
Department of Nervous Diseases with a Neurosurgery Course of the National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
From 2005 to 2007, he worked as a neurologist at the Starokostyantiniv Central Hospital Khmelnytskyi region.
From 2007 to 2009, she studied at a clinical residency with a break from production for
specialty "neurology" on the basis of the clinic of nervous diseases of the Vinnytsia Regional Psychoneurological Hospital named after O. I. Yushchenko (Department of Nervous Diseases with a course of neurosurgery, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University).
From 2009 to 2014, he worked as a neurologist at a military hospital A1067 of Starokostyantiniv, Khmelnytskyi region.
From 2014 to 2019, he worked as an assistant, and from 2019, as an associate professor
Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, National Pirogov Memorial Medical University
In 2020, he was awarded the academic title of associate professor.
In 2018, he completed an internship at the Galilee Medical Center, Nagariya, Israel.
He is the author of scientific articles published in scientific journals
publications, including those included in the list of Web of Science. Co-author
educational and methodical materials on preparation for practical topics classes in neurology for intern doctors and cadet doctors of the faculty of postgraduate education.
Regularly attends professional development training scientific and pedagogical workers of medical education institutions.
Participation in professional associations by specialty: Member of the "International Society for Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders", "World Stroke Organization", "International Headache Society"

Experience of practical work in the specialty of 19 years.

Olhov Valeriy

Lecturer, PhD

Voloschuk Sergii

Lecturer, PhD

Fix Dmytro

Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia, achieving an academic degree in ‘Medicine’ and qualification of an MD. From 2013 until 2015 completed an internship training, followed by a Master’s degree course at the department of Neurology at National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsia. From 2015 until 2019 completed a postgraduate course at the same department, and in 2021 successfully defended a thesis in Neurology, “Quality of the help provided during an acute stroke: evaluation based on the hospital’s registers”. Was awarded PhD in 2021. From 2023 works as assistant professor at the Department of Neurology and neurosurgery of postgraduate education faculty

Spivak Yaroslav

Shvedskiy Vitaliy

, PhD

Maystruk Dmytro S


Member of the Ukrainian Association of Neurosurgeons (UAN), European Association of Neurosurgical Societies (EANS), World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS), International Federation of Neuroendoscopy (IFNE), Ukrainian Association Against Stroke (UASI)

Lemeshov Olexander S


I studied at the Donetsk Medical Lyceum affiliated with Donetsk National Medical University named after Gorky. Later, I continued my education at Donetsk National Medical University and then at Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M.I. Pirogov.

For my internship, I completed the on-site part at the P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, specializing in neurosurgery. The off-site part of my internship took place at the 20th Neurosurgical Department of Vinnytsia Regional Psycho-Neurological Hospital named after Acad. O.I. Yushchenko.

Currently, I am a PhD student at the Department of Neurology with a course in Neurosurgery at Vinnytsia National Medical University named after M.I. Pirogov. I am also the author or co-author of 48 publications and articles.


Science activity


Clinical and Scientific Activities of the Department

In the early post-war years, the department was based in the only 40-bed neurology ward within the Vinnytsia Regional Psychiatric Hospital named after Acad. O.I. Yushchenko. During the 1950s-1960s, the department's clinical base expanded significantly, increasing the adult neurology ward to 60 beds. In 1959, a 50-bed neurosurgery unit was established, and three years later, a 50-bed pediatric neurology ward was introduced.

Under the leadership of Professor P.M. Alperovych, the department's staff placed significant emphasis on the development of practical neurology. Monthly neurology society meetings contributed to the professional development of regional and city specialists. P.M. Alperovych and M.V. Fayngold (Head of the Neurology Department at the Psychiatric Hospital) are considered the founders of the Vinnytsia School of Neurology. The department regularly conducted field consultations in rural areas and emergency neurology visits. Today, this tradition continues through clinical conferences and masterclasses.

In 1988, a stroke care unit was established within the hospital, followed in 2005 by a stroke rehabilitation unit, both of which serve as training bases for students.

In 1999, the department expanded its clinical base to include the Neurology Department at Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1. The laboratory base also grew:

  • Since 1959, an electrophysiology laboratory has been functioning, performing EEG, EMG, echoencephalography, rheoencephalography, pulse oximetry, and computerized gait analysis using the GAITRite system.
  • The neurosurgery department is equipped with a modern radiology unit.
  • In 1993, a CT scanning unit was introduced, followed by a spiral CT scanner in 2007.
  • MRI diagnostics became available later through "Neuromed".
  • A computer technology lab was established for use in teaching and research.

A key component of the department’s activities is clinical and preventive work. In all clinical base hospitals, activities comply with "Regulations on Clinical Hospitals", while faculty members provide consultative assistance to hospitals in the region.

Assoc. Prof. Hennadii Serhiiovych Moskovko provides consultations in intensive care units, including:

  • Vinnytsia Regional Clinical Psychoneurological Hospital named after Acad. O.I. Yushchenko
  • Vinnytsia Municipal Clinical Hospital No. 1
  • Emergency Medicine Department at Vinnytsia Regional Children's Hospital

Department staff also conduct outpatient consultations, particularly in the polyclinic unit with a day hospital at the Regional Psychoneurological Hospital, as well as consultations for psychiatric wards and neurological units No. 20, No. 22, and Unit No. 5.

The department actively participates in international research projects on stroke treatment and prevention, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and multiple sclerosis, contributing to over 70 studies in the last 20 years.

Clinical and Scientific Activities in Neurosurgery

The Neurosurgery Department provides a full range of surgical interventions for adult patients with brain and spinal cord disorders. Key research areas focus on:

  • Improving neurosurgical care for stroke patients
  • Vascular pathology of the brain
  • Spinal and peripheral nerve conditions (traumatic injuries, compression neuropathies)
  • Chronic pain management and innovative treatment approaches

The department actively researches chronic pain syndromes and introduces modern diagnostic and treatment methods.

Scientific Research Activities

Scientific research has always been a priority for the department.
Before World War II, the department’s studies included neurological complications of lower limb ischemia (Beder V.L., Lichtenstein V.A.).

From 1947, when Prof. Alperovych P.M. became head of the department, research focused on infectious diseases of the nervous system and neuro-oncology. In later years, peripheral nervous system disorders—including facial nerve neuritis and extrapyramidal system diseases—became primary areas of investigation.

Research on Neuroinfections

The department's research into neuroinfections is closely linked to Prof. Alperovych P.M., one of the first researchers of Japanese encephalitis during its 1938 outbreak in the Primorsky Krai. His doctoral dissertation and 1946 monograph "Encephalitis B" were key publications in the field.

In Ukraine, research focused on:

  • Modern forms of epidemic (lethargic) encephalitis (Alperovych P.M., Bilyk V.D., Ruda B.Y.)
  • Rheumatic nervous system disorders (Bilyk V.D.)
  • Tuberculous meningitis and its complications (Alperovych P.M., Vilikher M.M.)
  • Van-Bogart leukoencephalitis (Alperovych P.M., Bilyk V.D., Alimbek S.H., Katranova K.V., Kostovetskyi M.Z.)
  • Multiple sclerosis research (Korniichuk A.H., Zhelyba O.V., Smolko N.M.)

The department published "Diagnosis and Treatment of Modern Epidemic (Lethargic) Encephalitis" in Vinnytsia, 1975.

Neurology and Neurosurgery Research

The department made significant contributions to:

  • Brain tumors (including glioblastomas, gliomas, and metastatic tumors)
  • Extrapyramidal disorders (Bilyk V.D., Moskovko S.P.)
  • Gait disorders in neurological diseases (Moskovko H.S., 2008 PhD dissertation)
  • Chronic back pain syndromes (Masliy V.P., 2016 PhD dissertation)
  • Peripheral neuropathies and facial nerve disorders

Research on Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke

Since 2012, the department has been actively involved in the Regional Research Center for Multiple Sclerosis and Demyelinating Disorders. Recent PhD dissertations include:

  • "Clinical Management and Dispensary Monitoring of Multiple Sclerosis Patients at the Regional Level" (Kostiuchenko A.V., 2012)
  • "Neurological Deficit Progression, Gait Disorders, and Cognitive Impairments in Multiple Sclerosis" (Hordiichuk O.O., 2012)
  • "Multiple Sclerosis in the Podillia Region: Disease Course and Vitamin D3 Levels" (Malik S.L., 2016)

The department has conducted more than 400 scientific publications, produced 6 scientific collections, and 5 methodological guidelines. It hosted the VII Congress of Ukrainian Neurologists and Psychiatrists in 1984 and has overseen 3 doctoral dissertations and 26 PhD dissertations.

Future Perspectives

The department aims to:

  • Deepen the study of regional neurological disease prevalence
  • Enhance the methodological and scientific research base
  • Improve training for general practitioners, neurology interns, and specialists

A key objective remains the continuous advancement of neurology education and clinical practice, ensuring high-quality training for future specialists.

Literature published by department

1. «Ходьба людини» монографія, укр., 302с. 

 В.М.Мороз, М.В. Йолтухівський, О.В.Власенко, С.П. Московко, Г.С.Московко, О.В. Богомаз, І.Л. Рокунець, І.В.Тищенко, Л.В.Костюк, К.В.Супрунов 


В.М.Мороз, М.В.Йолтухівський, О.В.Власенко, С.П. Московко, Г.С.Московко, О.В.Юогомаз, І.Л.Рокунець, І.В.Тищенко, Л.В.Костюк, К.В.Супрунов «Ходьба людини» монографія, укр., 302с.


2. Порадник з реабілітації осіб, що перенесли мозковий інсульт А.Г. Корнійчук, О.А. Корнійчук 

Корнійчук А.Г., Корнійчук О.А. Порадник з реабілітації осіб, що перенесли мозковий інсульт.


3. "Первинний головний біль та епізодичні синдроми, які можуть бути асоційовані з мігренню", укр, 272 стор.

Л.В.Піпа, Р.В. Свістільнік, Г.В. Бекетова, Г.С. Московко, В.А.Поліщук, Ю.М. Лисиця

Первинний головний біль та епізодичні синдроми, які можуть бути асоційовані з мігренню
