
Mazorchuk Borys Fedorovychproffesor, MD
MD, Ph.D., Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences ( UAS ) , Member (Academician ) of International Personnel Academy (ICA) , a professor of obstetrics and gynecology number 1 Vinnitsa National Medical University. Pirogov , obstetrician -gynecologist higher category.
1953 joined the Vinnitsa Medical Institute , graduating in 1959 and received his medical degree likuvalnykiv .
In 1972 he defended his thesis for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences on the theme " Active hialuronidaznoyi enzyme system in inflammatory diseases of female genital mutilation ." Five years later (1977) he was elected assistant professor of the same department .
In 1988 he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Medicine. Theme " Pregnancy and birth in women living in areas of pesticides ." The results of the problems reported at congresses, conferences, symposia and international congresses. 1991 at the 6th European Congress this work has been published and awarded prize award.