
Isacova Natalia MihajlovnaDocent, Candidate of medical science
Graduated from National Pirogov Memorial Medical University, Vinnytsya, in 1999 with honors. She is responsible for the scientific work of the department. She is a dentist of the highest category.
Candidate's dissertation "Complex treatment of patients with purulent - inflammatory processes of the maxillofacial area with antibiotics and a drug with immunomodulatory properties" in the specialty: 14.01.22 - dentistry was defended and approved by the SAC of Ukraine on December 25, 2005. Received a certificate of associate professor DC № 031626 from 09/26/2012. Responsible executor of research work of the department. She is constantly engaged in scientific and practical work, attends scientific and practical conferences, workshops. 56 scientific works were published, including 22 articles in publications licensed by the SAC, 1 article in the scientific-metric database WoScience. 1 declarative patent, 1 innovation proposal, 1 innovation have been received. She reported at 21 scientific and practical conferences in Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zaporizhia, Donetsk, Odessa, Dnipro. She conducted preclinical and clinical trials of drugs on the basis of VNMU. She took part in clinical trials of the drug "Amizon" at the Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases named after LV Gromashevsky, Kyiv. She conducts scientific work among students of the Faculty of Dentistry, publishes scientific papers with students who held I, II places. She carries out sanitary and educational work among the population of the city.