
Vernyhorodskyi Viktor SerhiiovychProfessor, Doctor of Medical Science (DMSc)
Graduate from Vinnitsa state medical university named after M.I.Pyrogov in 1973 year, from 1977 till 1979 years – clinical ordinator, from 1979 till 1982 year – aspirant of endocrine department, from 1983 year - assistant of endocrine department, from 1983 year – Associate Professor of Department of Endocrinology, from 1993 year - manager of course of postgraduate education of endocrine department. From 2012 year work like a professor.

Наукова діяльність

In 1983 year protected candidate's dissertation on a theme:”Functional status of cardiovascular system in Addison”s disease”. In 2008 year protected doctoral dissertation on a theme: “Clinic-morphological characteristics of cardiovascular system and medico-social rehabillitation of the patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus”. Author of 3 monographies, near 250 scientific works.