
Storozhuk Borys Professor of internal medicine #3 chair, Doctor of Medical Science
Autobiography: was born in 1952. In 1968 graduated from high school. From 1968 – 1970 worked at military factory. In 1970 entered Vinnitsa Medical Institution named by N. I. Pirogov, and graduated it in 1976. From 1976 – 1977 – passed the internship in therapy major. From 1977 - 2002 worked as a doctor cardiologist and reanimator in reanimation and intensive therapy unit of the cardiology department in clinical city hospital #4. Since 2002 obtained the appointment of senior reader, and since 2004 obtained position of professor of internal medicine #3 chair.

Наукова діяльність

Sience activity: 90 articles, 23 inventions, 2 patents.
Followers: V. Bobruk (candidate dissertation 1989); A. Dolgov (1990); N. Voloshuk(1994); N. Belokonnaya (1994); V. Zolotareva(1999); O. Zhurakovskaya (2010)
Defended candidate’s dissertation in 1980. «Search of antiarythmic and antifibrilating drugs between biology-activated compounds of bensofuran». 14.00.25 – pharmacy.
Defended doctorates dissertation in 1987. «Complex clinical experimental rate of the basic antiarythmical drugs in optimization of treating process in case of acute myocardial infarction by mathematic modeling method». 14.00.42 – clinical pharmacy.